Thursday, 4 June 2009

Chrysophyllum imperiale at Lisbon Botanic Garden

Chrysophyllum imperiale (Linden ex K. Koch & Fintelm.) Benth. & Hook. f. Genera Plantarum 2: 653. 1876.
Photographed today. The tree, unlabelled, is located next to an iron bridge in a valley at the lower part of the garden. There were flower buds showing, as yet unopened.


Eduardo Jardim said...

Beautiful images, Gerald.

How did this plant get there? When was it planted?

Gerald Luckhurst said...

Hello Eduardo,

I'm looking in to that, will keep you posted.


Eduardo Jardim said...

Dear Gerald,

Thanks for keeping me updated.

I would like to invite you to visit my blog:

Lots of rare plants, mainly fruit trees but also rare ornamentals and bromeliads.


Anonymous said...

Hello Gerald,great to see these beautiful images! Some of those older leaf margins seem to be showing the effects of low humidity and cold,perhaps? But the new growth is so breathtaking..

I've got a few seedlings coming along, seed pinched from the Sydney Botanical Gardens last year ...slow but the latest leaves (the fifth or sixth) are getting big. Mind you ,if I pushed them ,they'd be twice the size.

I'm guessing that your specimen is at least thirty,maybe fifty years old at your latitude...ceremonial planting by/for a visiting Brazilian dignitary or cultural icon? No doubt there's a Brazilian section in Lisbon's collection?

Best wishes,Nick.