The kaleidoscope of colours virtually glow on the pages, inviting us to enter a world that's altogether more vibrant than our own. - Scotsman
Madeira is famed for its lush, sub-tropical gardens, and this lavish book captures them in all their beauty. Pure escapism, and the perfect thing to leaf through on a cold winter's night. - Daily Mail
For garden visitors and armchair travellers. - Irish Times
Madeira is truly a magical island, from a botanical persepective, filled with wild flowers. Here, at last, is a book that does justice to its gardens as opposed to the dazzling natural scenery. The author is a garden designer living on mainland Portugal who has been making gardens on the island since 1991. He has produced an evenly written text, not at all 'gushy' - there is even a smattering of judicious criticism. Highlights include the Monte palace and the immaculate " Victorian" English garden at Quinta Vigia. - Daily Telegraph
The British have always loved the island of Madeira for its climate and the gardens it can produce. Now we have The Gardens of Madeira from the designer Gerald Luckhurst, who has worked there for years. The Portuguese and English influences can clearly be seen in the older gardens that relish the subtropical expat style of herbaceous borders, camellias and monkey puzzles; but there are newer gardens too, just as plant-rich and Luckhurst’s Madeira Magic, for all its commercial origins, is one of the island’s most interesting plantings. - Times
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Friday, 29 October 2010
Essential Madeira - The garden visionary
An interview with Gerald Luckhurst about his work on Madeira by Vitor Sousa
see page 36-37
Essential Madeira Islands nº22 October-November 2010
Gardens of Madeira,
Gerald Luckhurst
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
The Gardens of Madeira
Here is a link to the publishers Blurb.
If you use the link to the right you can buy the book at Amazon with a 50% discount.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Friends of Monserrate
Friends of Monserrate,
Tigridia pavonia

Curtis Botanical magazine
Vol. 15 (1801)
Ferraria Tigridia. Mexican Ferraria, or Tiger-flower.
Class and Order.
Generic Character.
Spatha 2-phylla. Cal. o. Petala 6. 3-externis latioribus. Stylus 1. Caps. 3-loculari infera.
Specific Characler and Synonyms.
FERRARIA Tigridia ; foliis plicatis, corollis lato-urceolatis:
laciniis interioribus depresso-intersectis.
FERRARIA pavonia : caule simplici flexuoso, foliis equi-
tantibus ensiformibus nervosis, petalis planis :
interioribus duplo brevioribus panduriformibus.
Spec. PI. edit, Willdenow, v. 3. p. 581.
FERRARIA pavonia. Linn. Suppl. 407. Cav. Diff. p. 343.
t. 189. Larmarck Encyclop. v. 2. p. 453. 2.
TIGRIDIA Juffieu. Gen. p. 57.
MORAEA pavonia. Thunb. Monea 14, 20.
OCOLOXOCHITL seu flore tigris. Hern. nov. PI. Amer.
Hist. tab. 276. Gerard, emac. 122. 2. Encyc lop. Brit. t. 350.
TIGRIDIS flos an Dracunculi species? Lob. Obs. 59. Icon.
111. Dod. pempt. 3. p. 421. Swertii Floril. 2.
t. 31. fig. 2. J. Bauh. 2. p. 684. Raii Hist.
1165. J. Theod. de Bryt, Florileg. nov. t. 111.
Of all the above authors, no one had seen the living plant except Hernandez, who was sent to Mexico as a Physician, by Philip II. King of Spain; and his figure, though only a small wooden cut, is more botanically correct than any of the others, not excepting that of Cavanilles, We are informed by him that it grew wild about Mexico, and was much cultivated for its excessive beauty and for the medicinal virtues of its root; being, as he terms it, " a frigefacient in fevers, and " also a promoter of fecundity in women." Both Hernandez and M. De Brancion, from whom Lobel derived his knowledge of the plant, observe that the root is esculent. All the other old authors appear to have borrowed what they have said from these two sources, except perhaps De Bry, who says he received it (probably meaning the drawing) from Caspar Bauhin. The author of this figure, though it was published before the Rome edition of the Mexican history, appears to have had access to the drawing of Hernandez, as the form of the flower is the same, only four roots are crowded together. The more modern authors seem to have made their descriptions and figures from no other authority except a dried specimen in the possession of Jussieu. That of Mutis, cited by the younger Linnaeus, we have not seen, and has not, we believe, been as yet published.
For the possession of this superb flower, this country, and perhaps Europe, is indebted to Ellis Hodgson, Esq. of Everton, near Liverpool, with whom it flowered and produced ripe seeds about five years ago. From this gentleman, seeds were communicated to Messrs. Grimwood and Wykes, and by them it has been dispersed among other Nurserymen. There is little fear but that it will soon become very common, as it flowers freely, produces seeds in abundance, and maybe likewise increased by offsets from the roots. It has no scent, but in splendid beauty it appears to us, at least when assifted by rarity and singularity, to surpass every competitor; we lament that this too affords our fair countrywomen another lesson, how extremely fugacious is this loveliness of form; born to display its' glory but for a few hours, it literally melts away.
By the alteration made by Willdenow in the generic character of Ferraria, this may be included; but the trivial name pavonia, injudiciously adopted from a supposed resemblance to the Iris pavonia, figured by Jacquin (not the Iris pavonia of the Botanical Magazine) is totally inadmissible, the colours being in no respect similar to those of the peacock ; we have, therefore, as nearly as could be done in one word, restored the original name. We have an additional motive to do so from the confederation, that should it be hereafter thought necessary to make it a distinct genus from Ferraria, the name of Tigridia, already applied by Jussieu, would undoubtedly be given it.
Disc. Root, a tunicated bulb, producing from one to four stems about a foot and half high, somewhat flexuose, round, jointed, smooth, bearing at each joint a plicated oblong-lanceolate leaf from a sheathing petiole the length of the internode, and at the summit an involucrum, apparently confiding of two lanceolate, ancipital, conduplicate, nearly equal valves, of which the exterior is in fact the common spathe or involucre, and embraces the interior with its contents ; the interior valve, which is exactly opposed to the outer one, is the proper spathe of the first flower and embraces it, together with the spathes and flowers that are to come in succession ; the spathe of the second flower is opposed to that of the first, and placed between it and the pedicel of the first flower; and so of the rest, every spathe being opposed to the one of the preceding flower and embraced by it. These spathes are similar in shape, but diminish progressively and become more membranaceous. Corolla, broad-urceolate (but this could not be expressed by the drawing in a front-view of the flower) divided into six segments, of which the three outer are urceolate at the base, expanded above, and reflected at the point; the three inner ones smaller by half, biformed, singularly divided into a lower hastate and an upper ovate division by a depressed intersection ; the upper division is of the richest scarlet imaginable, variegated by a bright golden yellow. Filament, a cuniculated or piped triquetral column. Anthers, sessile, erect, bearing their pollen on the outside, conniving at the point, diverging below to admit the exit of the stigmas. Germen, obtusely trigonal, three-celled. Style, the length of the filamental column, through the hollow of which it pafles. Stigmas, three, filiform, bifid. Capsule, oblong, obtufely trigonal, three-celled. Seeds, in double rows in each cell and round.
It is a native of Mexico and Peru, is properly a greenhouse plant, and succeeds best in light mould, seedlings will flower the second year. It is best to take up the bulbs the latter end of September or October, and to keep them out of the ground till the Spring*.
* In every part of this paper, we have been very much assisted by the liberal communications of John Bellendin Gawler, Esq.
Tigridia pavonia (L.f.) DC. in P.J.Redouté, Liliac. 1: t. 6 (1802).
Mexico to El Salvador
Friday, 25 June 2010
General Robert Craufurd
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Cintra Pinturesca: Monserate 1838
Descendo do alto de Penha-verde deixamos á esquerda huma fonte antiga , e logo mais adiante a estrada fórma hum estreito por cujo motivo pozerão os Arabes ao sitio o nome de Gibraltar , e a poucos passos se biparte a estrada. Seguindo-se a da direita se vai dar á ribeira de Gallamares (de que fallaremos quando tratarmos de villa de Collares) em cuja proximidade está a quinta de S. Bento , e as ruinas de huma antiga casa acastellada , que ainda conserva duas torres , pertencente á casa dos Condes de Soure. Continuando a mesma estrada que tinhamos seguido , esta logo adiante se reparte em tres caminhos. A' direita fica o que conduz ás ruinas e quinta de Monserate; o centro he a estrada real de Collares , a qual por baixo de huma continuada sombra de arvoredo , tendo passado pela quinta da Bellavista, pertencente á casa de Cadaval, a da Agua Ferrea , e sitio da Ugaria, nos leva áquella aprazivel e viçosa villa : á esquerda, subindo para o centro da serra em direcção ao Oeste , vamos ter ao convento de Santa Cruz da Serra.
Logo adiante da quinta de Penha-verde fica o sitio de Monserate , assim chamado , de huma Ermida da invocação de Nossa Senhora de Monserate , que no anno de 1540 edificou hum Clerigo chamado Gaspar Preto mandando de Roma vir a imagem de alabastro, da Senhora.
Aqui em hum pequeno monte despegado , que se avança como atalaya do resto das ondulações da Serra , estão as ruinas de huma casa de campo , imitando hum castello antigo. Foi edificada esta casa por hum Inglez chamado Bekfort , inda ha poucos annos , de sorte que por vicio de construccão e não pela sua muita antiguidade está em ruinas. Qual flor requeimada por vento pestifero na viçosa idade da sua vegetação, ainda nestas estragadas ruinas sobresahe a formosura e brilho do seu tempo de gloria. [p.80] Huma bella lameda de arvores nos conduz á casa cercada de huma gradaria de ferro de tres pés de altura, cingindo-lhe as paredes cedros qne sombreando-a , lhe não roubão (pela boa disposição em que estão collocados) os lindos pontos de optica que disfructa , tanto para o lado da serra de que he dominada, como para a parte do mar e valle de Collares. A primeira torre era destinada para os quartos de cama, seguindo-se em baixo casa de jantar etc.; a outra torre consistia em huma bella salla de Musica deforma redonda , cornmunicando com outras , tudo no melhor gosto e distribuição. Tinha a casa duas entradas principaes , que se dirigiào a hum vestibulo em octagono, que partia para os differentes ramos do edificio.
Os aposentos para os creados , cocheira , e cavalharices , formão outro corpo de edificio ao lado do caminho que conduz á casa. Os apriscos , abegoaria , e casa de caseiro são feitas com igual esmero de gosto , buscando a arte meios de embellezamento na sua simples e rustica architectura. Consistia a quinta de hum bello bosque de antigos carvalhos que vinhão terminar junto á casa em hum pomar de larangeiras e tangerinas. Na encosta sobranceira ao valle onde está assentado este pomar se vê huma cascata de enormes calháos que para alli forão conduzidos expressamente , esforçando-se por este modo com tanto trabalho o artificio humano em imitar a simplicidade das bellezas da natureza, [p.81] sempre magestosa e bella nas obras da sua creação , toma esta repreza as aguas que no inverno, e principios da primavera descem do alto da serra, e formão uma cataracta que se despenha por um leito pedregoso, que forma a parte mais baixa do valle desta mata.
Tal he o sitio encantador de Monserrate! Se quereis embriagar a vossa alma de uma agradavel melancolia , vinde passar alguns momentos a estas ruinas, ou quando o sol rompendo por entre as nevoas que coroão os alcantilados montes faz chorar as arvores lagrimas crystalinas , saudosas dos mysterios da noite , ou quando mergulhando-se no Occeano traz essa hora do crepusculo doces meditações.
Evós , damas , acudi tambem ; não receeis genios malfazejos , nem vos assustem as suas torres e recortadas ameias, que esta estancia foi desde o seu principio destinada a prazeres. Lamentai com tudo que esta salla animada outra-ora pela suave melodia da musica , seja agora muda e silenciosa , que esse pavimento sobre o qual se deitão hoje essas ovelhas que vos não excedem em candura, não seja ao de leve roçado pelos vossos pés mimosos, que esse chão cuberto de pedras que desabão do arruinado tecto, não seja forrado de aveludado tapete. Pedi porém que alguma mão bemfeitora restitua esta casa á sua primeira instituição, isto he, a povôe de novos folgares, ou antes pedi que a mão do homem , mais destruidora que o tempo , não derrube [p. 82] esse resto de arvores que escaparão aos sacrilegos golpes do machado, não nivelle com a terra esses mesmos fragmentos do edificio que ainda hoje formão o encanto destes sitios.
Descendo do alto de Penha-verde deixamos á esquerda huma fonte antiga , e logo mais adiante a estrada fórma hum estreito por cujo motivo pozerão os Arabes ao sitio o nome de Gibraltar , e a poucos passos se biparte a estrada. Seguindo-se a da direita se vai dar á ribeira de Gallamares (de que fallaremos quando tratarmos de villa de Collares) em cuja proximidade está a quinta de S. Bento , e as ruinas de huma antiga casa acastellada , que ainda conserva duas torres , pertencente á casa dos Condes de Soure. Continuando a mesma estrada que tinhamos seguido , esta logo adiante se reparte em tres caminhos. A' direita fica o que conduz ás ruinas e quinta de Monserate; o centro he a estrada real de Collares , a qual por baixo de huma continuada sombra de arvoredo , tendo passado pela quinta da Bellavista, pertencente á casa de Cadaval, a da Agua Ferrea , e sitio da Ugaria, nos leva áquella aprazivel e viçosa villa : á esquerda, subindo para o centro da serra em direcção ao Oeste , vamos ter ao convento de Santa Cruz da Serra.
Logo adiante da quinta de Penha-verde fica o sitio de Monserate , assim chamado , de huma Ermida da invocação de Nossa Senhora de Monserate , que no anno de 1540 edificou hum Clerigo chamado Gaspar Preto mandando de Roma vir a imagem de alabastro, da Senhora.
Aqui em hum pequeno monte despegado , que se avança como atalaya do resto das ondulações da Serra , estão as ruinas de huma casa de campo , imitando hum castello antigo. Foi edificada esta casa por hum Inglez chamado Bekfort , inda ha poucos annos , de sorte que por vicio de construccão e não pela sua muita antiguidade está em ruinas. Qual flor requeimada por vento pestifero na viçosa idade da sua vegetação, ainda nestas estragadas ruinas sobresahe a formosura e brilho do seu tempo de gloria. [p.80] Huma bella lameda de arvores nos conduz á casa cercada de huma gradaria de ferro de tres pés de altura, cingindo-lhe as paredes cedros qne sombreando-a , lhe não roubão (pela boa disposição em que estão collocados) os lindos pontos de optica que disfructa , tanto para o lado da serra de que he dominada, como para a parte do mar e valle de Collares. A primeira torre era destinada para os quartos de cama, seguindo-se em baixo casa de jantar etc.; a outra torre consistia em huma bella salla de Musica deforma redonda , cornmunicando com outras , tudo no melhor gosto e distribuição. Tinha a casa duas entradas principaes , que se dirigiào a hum vestibulo em octagono, que partia para os differentes ramos do edificio.
Os aposentos para os creados , cocheira , e cavalharices , formão outro corpo de edificio ao lado do caminho que conduz á casa. Os apriscos , abegoaria , e casa de caseiro são feitas com igual esmero de gosto , buscando a arte meios de embellezamento na sua simples e rustica architectura. Consistia a quinta de hum bello bosque de antigos carvalhos que vinhão terminar junto á casa em hum pomar de larangeiras e tangerinas. Na encosta sobranceira ao valle onde está assentado este pomar se vê huma cascata de enormes calháos que para alli forão conduzidos expressamente , esforçando-se por este modo com tanto trabalho o artificio humano em imitar a simplicidade das bellezas da natureza, [p.81] sempre magestosa e bella nas obras da sua creação , toma esta repreza as aguas que no inverno, e principios da primavera descem do alto da serra, e formão uma cataracta que se despenha por um leito pedregoso, que forma a parte mais baixa do valle desta mata.
Tal he o sitio encantador de Monserrate! Se quereis embriagar a vossa alma de uma agradavel melancolia , vinde passar alguns momentos a estas ruinas, ou quando o sol rompendo por entre as nevoas que coroão os alcantilados montes faz chorar as arvores lagrimas crystalinas , saudosas dos mysterios da noite , ou quando mergulhando-se no Occeano traz essa hora do crepusculo doces meditações.
Evós , damas , acudi tambem ; não receeis genios malfazejos , nem vos assustem as suas torres e recortadas ameias, que esta estancia foi desde o seu principio destinada a prazeres. Lamentai com tudo que esta salla animada outra-ora pela suave melodia da musica , seja agora muda e silenciosa , que esse pavimento sobre o qual se deitão hoje essas ovelhas que vos não excedem em candura, não seja ao de leve roçado pelos vossos pés mimosos, que esse chão cuberto de pedras que desabão do arruinado tecto, não seja forrado de aveludado tapete. Pedi porém que alguma mão bemfeitora restitua esta casa á sua primeira instituição, isto he, a povôe de novos folgares, ou antes pedi que a mão do homem , mais destruidora que o tempo , não derrube [p. 82] esse resto de arvores que escaparão aos sacrilegos golpes do machado, não nivelle com a terra esses mesmos fragmentos do edificio que ainda hoje formão o encanto destes sitios.
Cintra Pinturesca,
Friday, 18 June 2010
Portugal and Gallicia, with a review of the social and political state of the Basque provinces
Portugal and Gallicia, with a review of the social and political state of the Basque provinces
Henry John G. Herbert (3rd earl of Carnarvon.)
pp. 18 - 19
We rode on to Montserrat, the remains of a villa, built by Mr. Beckford many years ago. The ruinous state of that fairy dwelling was noticed by Lord Byron in 1809, and since that time it has become still more desolate. The roof, then entire, has since very much fallen in, and the walls are in many parts a heap of ruins. The entrance opens into an octagonal hall, terminated by a circular apartment, which looks over a lengthened flat to the distant breakers. There is also the shell remaining of a fine apartment, perhaps the library, which commands as rich a view of forest scenery as can well be conceived. The general effect of the exterior is good, except the high slanting roofs, which, though in correct taste, are somewhat unpleasing. Further on we saw the ruins of a rambling house, to which a dark story is attached; for a young man is there said to have murdered his elder brother under circumstances of peculiar horror.
Henry John G. Herbert (3rd earl of Carnarvon.)
pp. 18 - 19
We rode on to Montserrat, the remains of a villa, built by Mr. Beckford many years ago. The ruinous state of that fairy dwelling was noticed by Lord Byron in 1809, and since that time it has become still more desolate. The roof, then entire, has since very much fallen in, and the walls are in many parts a heap of ruins. The entrance opens into an octagonal hall, terminated by a circular apartment, which looks over a lengthened flat to the distant breakers. There is also the shell remaining of a fine apartment, perhaps the library, which commands as rich a view of forest scenery as can well be conceived. The general effect of the exterior is good, except the high slanting roofs, which, though in correct taste, are somewhat unpleasing. Further on we saw the ruins of a rambling house, to which a dark story is attached; for a young man is there said to have murdered his elder brother under circumstances of peculiar horror.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Sir John Charles Robinson (1824-1913)

Sir John Charles Robinson fromThe Times, 11 April 1913
We regret to announce that Sir John Charles Robinson, CB, FSA, died yesterday at his residence, Newton Manor, Swanage. He had reached the great age of 88, having been born in Nottingham in December 1824, but until very recently he was as active as ever in the interest which he displayed in questions concerning the art of the past and in those antiquarian subjects to which he had devoted the greater part of his long life.
He was trained in Paris as an artist and on his return he exhibited more than once at the Royal Academy; but it was rather as an organizer, teacher and collector that he made his mark. For some five years he was headmaster of the Art School at Hanley and his influence soon made itself felt in Mintons and other porcelain factories. He was one of the young men who took up with great zeal that movement inaugurated by Prince Albert, about the time of the first Great Exhibitions, for establishing a general system of art education in England and when the South Kensington Museum was founded in 1852 he was made first superintendent of the art collections. This post he held for 17 years and it is to him more than anyone that the provincial museums owe the system of circulating works of art and ancient craftsmanship from the national stores. More than this, Mr Robinson, who had a natural flair for works of art of every description and who was alive to the beauty of the then neglected productions of the Italian Renaissance, spent many seasons in travelling for the Museum in Italy and Spain. With the small funds at his disposal he was able to acquire at what we should now consider a paltry price a vast number of those works in marble, bronze, majolica and terracotta which quickly gave South Kensington a unique position among the museums of Europe. Mr Robinson found it possible, with the expenditure of a few thousands or even hundreds of pounds annually, to lay up a store for the nation such as is now unattainable at any price; a store which, if we could image it coming into the market today, would realize 50 or 100 times what he gave for it. He, for example, influenced Mr Gladstone and obtained a grant for the purchase of the best objects in the Gigli-Campana collection. Unfortunately he came in the end to disagree with some of the chiefs of the Museum, the grounds of the dispute being such as it is quite unnecessary to enter upon here, and in 1869 he resigned his connection with the Museum, retiring with a pension.
Three years before, in conjunction with the celebrated Italian diplomatist and writer, the Marquis D'Azeglio and a few other friends, he founded the Fine Arts Club which afterwards developed into the Burlington and for many years acted as it honorary secretary. Into this little club were gathered the principal connoisseurs and collectors of the day such as Mr C S Bale, Sir William Drake, Mr Mitchell, Mr Malcolm of Poltalloch and others; and through his association with them Mr Robinson rapidly obtained an important position as the advisor of those who wished to acquire fine collections. His principal achievements in this way were on behalf of Mr Malcolm, many of whose splendid ancient drawings, now in the British Museum, had been bought by Mr Robinson at the Woodburn and other sales; and the late Sir Francis Cook of Richmond, whose well-known collection of old pictures was brought together under the same advice. It is noteworthy that this collection is especially strong in Spanish pictures and that Mr Robinson stood at that time almost alone among English connoisseurs as a frequent traveller to Spain for art purposes. As time went on he bought a good deal for himself and at one time was the owner of an important collection of Spanish, Italian and Dutch pictures, of Italian marbles, medals and bronzes and of drawings by old masters. He was also active, long after his official connection with the public museums had ceased, in organizing funds for the purchase of works of art for the nation. The chief instance of this was at the time of the famous Fountaine sale (1884) when he, by letter to 'The Times' and in other ways, stirred up public opinion in favour of acquiring some of that matchless store of majolica, Limoges enamels and Palissy ware, and at the time of the sale he was in command of a considerable sum of money for this purpose which he expended very judiciously.
In 1882 Mr Robinson once more entered the service of the Crown, being in that year appointed Surveyor of the Queen's pictures; a post which he held for nearly 20 years till the death of Queen Victoria. But whether the fault lay with the Queen herself, who did not like changes and alterations in the Royal possessions, or whether Mr Robinson wanted energy in this matter, it cannot be said that anything was done during this period to put the pictures in order or to make the collections more popular. That was reserved for the next reign and for the next Surveyor, Mr Lionel Cust. In regard to modern art Mr Robinson, who was himself an etcher of ability, was instrumental with his friend Sir F Seymour Haden, in founding the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers of which he became an honorary member. He was in high favour with the Empress Frederick and gave her valuable help in forming the rather remarkable collection which she and her husband brought together at Cronberg. Many other crowned heads appreciated Mr Robinson's services. At home he was made a Knight in 1887, a CB in 1901 and he was the holder of high orders from the Sovereigns of Belgium, Spain and Portugal.His publications were very numerous and include several of the official catalogues issued by South Kensington, the descriptive catalogue of the Raphael and Michael Angelo drawings at Oxford, several private catalogues and a multitude of articles in the magazines and art periodicals, together with many letters to the 'The Times'. The articles and letters were often either directly controversial or provocative of controversy, for it must be admitted that Sir J C Robinson had a way of maintaining his own sometimes paradoxical opinions about various works of art in a manner which did not always approve itself to other connoisseurs. Still, though one may disagree with him on many questions of connoisseurship, it cannot be denied that in the middle of the last century he did a really great public service and that our unrivalled collections at South Kensington could never have been what they are had the Museum not been served by a man so energetic, shrewd and clever as he was.He married, in 1852, the daughter of Alderman Newton of Norwich; this lady died recently. One of his sons is Mr Charles Newton Robinson and another is Mr Gerald Robinson, the mezzotint engraver. For many years he lived in Harley Street, but moved some years ago to the beautiful old house at Swanage where he died.
We regret to announce that Sir John Charles Robinson, CB, FSA, died yesterday at his residence, Newton Manor, Swanage. He had reached the great age of 88, having been born in Nottingham in December 1824, but until very recently he was as active as ever in the interest which he displayed in questions concerning the art of the past and in those antiquarian subjects to which he had devoted the greater part of his long life.
He was trained in Paris as an artist and on his return he exhibited more than once at the Royal Academy; but it was rather as an organizer, teacher and collector that he made his mark. For some five years he was headmaster of the Art School at Hanley and his influence soon made itself felt in Mintons and other porcelain factories. He was one of the young men who took up with great zeal that movement inaugurated by Prince Albert, about the time of the first Great Exhibitions, for establishing a general system of art education in England and when the South Kensington Museum was founded in 1852 he was made first superintendent of the art collections. This post he held for 17 years and it is to him more than anyone that the provincial museums owe the system of circulating works of art and ancient craftsmanship from the national stores. More than this, Mr Robinson, who had a natural flair for works of art of every description and who was alive to the beauty of the then neglected productions of the Italian Renaissance, spent many seasons in travelling for the Museum in Italy and Spain. With the small funds at his disposal he was able to acquire at what we should now consider a paltry price a vast number of those works in marble, bronze, majolica and terracotta which quickly gave South Kensington a unique position among the museums of Europe. Mr Robinson found it possible, with the expenditure of a few thousands or even hundreds of pounds annually, to lay up a store for the nation such as is now unattainable at any price; a store which, if we could image it coming into the market today, would realize 50 or 100 times what he gave for it. He, for example, influenced Mr Gladstone and obtained a grant for the purchase of the best objects in the Gigli-Campana collection. Unfortunately he came in the end to disagree with some of the chiefs of the Museum, the grounds of the dispute being such as it is quite unnecessary to enter upon here, and in 1869 he resigned his connection with the Museum, retiring with a pension.
Three years before, in conjunction with the celebrated Italian diplomatist and writer, the Marquis D'Azeglio and a few other friends, he founded the Fine Arts Club which afterwards developed into the Burlington and for many years acted as it honorary secretary. Into this little club were gathered the principal connoisseurs and collectors of the day such as Mr C S Bale, Sir William Drake, Mr Mitchell, Mr Malcolm of Poltalloch and others; and through his association with them Mr Robinson rapidly obtained an important position as the advisor of those who wished to acquire fine collections. His principal achievements in this way were on behalf of Mr Malcolm, many of whose splendid ancient drawings, now in the British Museum, had been bought by Mr Robinson at the Woodburn and other sales; and the late Sir Francis Cook of Richmond, whose well-known collection of old pictures was brought together under the same advice. It is noteworthy that this collection is especially strong in Spanish pictures and that Mr Robinson stood at that time almost alone among English connoisseurs as a frequent traveller to Spain for art purposes. As time went on he bought a good deal for himself and at one time was the owner of an important collection of Spanish, Italian and Dutch pictures, of Italian marbles, medals and bronzes and of drawings by old masters. He was also active, long after his official connection with the public museums had ceased, in organizing funds for the purchase of works of art for the nation. The chief instance of this was at the time of the famous Fountaine sale (1884) when he, by letter to 'The Times' and in other ways, stirred up public opinion in favour of acquiring some of that matchless store of majolica, Limoges enamels and Palissy ware, and at the time of the sale he was in command of a considerable sum of money for this purpose which he expended very judiciously.
In 1882 Mr Robinson once more entered the service of the Crown, being in that year appointed Surveyor of the Queen's pictures; a post which he held for nearly 20 years till the death of Queen Victoria. But whether the fault lay with the Queen herself, who did not like changes and alterations in the Royal possessions, or whether Mr Robinson wanted energy in this matter, it cannot be said that anything was done during this period to put the pictures in order or to make the collections more popular. That was reserved for the next reign and for the next Surveyor, Mr Lionel Cust. In regard to modern art Mr Robinson, who was himself an etcher of ability, was instrumental with his friend Sir F Seymour Haden, in founding the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers of which he became an honorary member. He was in high favour with the Empress Frederick and gave her valuable help in forming the rather remarkable collection which she and her husband brought together at Cronberg. Many other crowned heads appreciated Mr Robinson's services. At home he was made a Knight in 1887, a CB in 1901 and he was the holder of high orders from the Sovereigns of Belgium, Spain and Portugal.His publications were very numerous and include several of the official catalogues issued by South Kensington, the descriptive catalogue of the Raphael and Michael Angelo drawings at Oxford, several private catalogues and a multitude of articles in the magazines and art periodicals, together with many letters to the 'The Times'. The articles and letters were often either directly controversial or provocative of controversy, for it must be admitted that Sir J C Robinson had a way of maintaining his own sometimes paradoxical opinions about various works of art in a manner which did not always approve itself to other connoisseurs. Still, though one may disagree with him on many questions of connoisseurship, it cannot be denied that in the middle of the last century he did a really great public service and that our unrivalled collections at South Kensington could never have been what they are had the Museum not been served by a man so energetic, shrewd and clever as he was.He married, in 1852, the daughter of Alderman Newton of Norwich; this lady died recently. One of his sons is Mr Charles Newton Robinson and another is Mr Gerald Robinson, the mezzotint engraver. For many years he lived in Harley Street, but moved some years ago to the beautiful old house at Swanage where he died.
J. C. Robinson,
Seymour Haden
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Picture towns of Europe
One of the chief charms of Cintra consists in the innumerable beautiful walks and drives that bring fresh interest to each day spent there. Most popular of these is the drive of a few miles to the gardens of Monserrate, that are said to be unequaled in the world. Nowhere but in the unique climate of Portugal can grow in perfection the plants and trees of the tropics and of the temperate zone as well, so in the century since Beckford ransacked the world to find specimens for these gardens, which he laid out at fabulous cost, the trees and vines, and shrubs and flowers he planted there have developed into wonderful beauty. The property is now owned by the estate of Sir Frederick Cook, who spares no money to keep and increase the splendor of the place. There are palms and bamboos; oaks and evergreens; orchids and roses; vines that are perfect sheets of strange, intense color; uncanny-looking flowers lifting their blossom of flame or lavender straight from the earth; queer trees with long, pendulous blooms of scarlet; ponds where pink and blue lilies grow; Roman benches whence are views of mountains and the passing ships at sea; and in the midst the beautiful Moorish-like house where Sir Frederick lives.
OSBORNE, ALBERT B., Picture Towns of Europe, New York: Robert M. Mcbride & Company, 1912, p. 95
OSBORNE, ALBERT B., Picture Towns of Europe, New York: Robert M. Mcbride & Company, 1912, p. 95
Friday, 9 April 2010
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Camellia japonica 'Zoraide Vanzi'
First listed by E.G. Henderson & Son, 1866, Catalogue p.44
Blush white with very picturesque rosy red bars and flakes; outer petals large, rounded, rose-like and even; a flower of great substance, full to the centre.
Stefano Pagliai Catalogue, 1867, p.74;
New blush, striped and blotched carmine, extra fine substancew.
Veitch Nursery Catalogue, 1867;
Henderson, E.G., nursery Catalogue, 1867: White flushed pink, highly speckled and splashed carmine.
Originated in Italy by Franchetti, Florence.
No illustration listed.
Information from Web Camellia Register.
Blush white with very picturesque rosy red bars and flakes; outer petals large, rounded, rose-like and even; a flower of great substance, full to the centre.
Stefano Pagliai Catalogue, 1867, p.74;
New blush, striped and blotched carmine, extra fine substancew.
Veitch Nursery Catalogue, 1867;
Henderson, E.G., nursery Catalogue, 1867: White flushed pink, highly speckled and splashed carmine.
Originated in Italy by Franchetti, Florence.
No illustration listed.
Information from Web Camellia Register.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Sunday, 21 March 2010
More on Portuguese Camellias
Ensaio sobre a camellia
Em Portugal data apenas do fim do 1.º quartel d’este seculo a introducção da Camellia, e só ha pouco mais de 25 annos, é que principiaram a propagar-se por as provincias as variedades dobradas e plenas, e talvez só ha doze annos é que se presta verdadeira attenção a esta cultura.
A Camellia vive ao ar livre em quasi todo o littoral atlantico e mediterraneo de França e em alguns pontos privilegiados do interior, como Angers, o valle do Loire, o coração e jardim de França. Se o Lago-maior, no Piemonte, o Milanez, o Florentino, Roma, Veneza e especialmente Napoles dispensam agazalhos do inverno para a Camellia pela razão geral da proximidade do mar, em Portugal vive bem ao ar livre quasi por toda a parte, tanto no littoral, como no interior das provincias do norte, e se nas do sul não vegeta egualmente, deve attribuir-se, no meu entender, ao demasiado calor do verão em algumas paragens e à exposição quente, e natureza calcarea dos terrenos, e aguas com que os regam, porque ahi mesmo, logo que lhe procurem situações frescas e arrejadas, e terrenos apropriadas, vive opulenta como em Cintra, abandonada, sem cultura e dispersa por a matta do palacio real da penna, como no seu estado primativo no paiz natural.
N. P. de Mendonça Falcão
Jornal de Horticultura Pratica, Vol. III, pp.51-54
Em Portugal data apenas do fim do 1.º quartel d’este seculo a introducção da Camellia, e só ha pouco mais de 25 annos, é que principiaram a propagar-se por as provincias as variedades dobradas e plenas, e talvez só ha doze annos é que se presta verdadeira attenção a esta cultura.
A Camellia vive ao ar livre em quasi todo o littoral atlantico e mediterraneo de França e em alguns pontos privilegiados do interior, como Angers, o valle do Loire, o coração e jardim de França. Se o Lago-maior, no Piemonte, o Milanez, o Florentino, Roma, Veneza e especialmente Napoles dispensam agazalhos do inverno para a Camellia pela razão geral da proximidade do mar, em Portugal vive bem ao ar livre quasi por toda a parte, tanto no littoral, como no interior das provincias do norte, e se nas do sul não vegeta egualmente, deve attribuir-se, no meu entender, ao demasiado calor do verão em algumas paragens e à exposição quente, e natureza calcarea dos terrenos, e aguas com que os regam, porque ahi mesmo, logo que lhe procurem situações frescas e arrejadas, e terrenos apropriadas, vive opulenta como em Cintra, abandonada, sem cultura e dispersa por a matta do palacio real da penna, como no seu estado primativo no paiz natural.
N. P. de Mendonça Falcão
Jornal de Horticultura Pratica, Vol. III, pp.51-54
Camellias Portuguesas
Origin of Portuguese Camellias
Jornal de Horticultura Prática Vol. II, 1871 p. 120.
Lançando agora um volver d’olhos sobre o estado de florescencia d’este genero no nosso paiz, não podemos deixar de nos congratularmos, porque as variedades que se cultivam já sobem a algumas centenas e com quanto a maior parte sejam de origem estrangeira, ha muitas que são nascida em Portugal e por tanto chamarlhes.hemos «portuguezas».
Estas são, na maior parte, de sementeiras feitas no Porto e seus suburbios por pessoas apaixonadas d’este bello genero. Entre os mais felizes devemos mencionar os snrs.: Roberto Wan-Zeller, visconde de Villar Allen, conselheiro Camilo Aureliano da Silva e Sousa, e José Marques Loureiro.
O ultimo que se acaba de lêr deveria talvez ser à frente dos outros, mas de proposito o deixamos para o fim para lhe consagramos duas linhas de louvor, porque n’esta especialidade, como em muitas outras, tem prestado verdadeiro serviços à horticultura.
Amador de coração, dotado de inextinguivel paixão pelas Camellias, dedicou-se de ha muito à sua cultura e pouco e pouco foi colleccionando as novidades de maneira que possue hoje inquestionavelmente a melhor collecção de Portugal. Para chegar a este resultado, não se limita a fazer annualmente importação de um certo numero d’ellas. Organisa abundantes sementeiras, de onde obtem sempre variedades bellissimas e é ahi que toma sua origem um bom numero das Camellias portuguezas, que hoje adornam os nossos jardins e que muitas pessoas pensam ser estrangeiras.
Oliveira Junior
Lançando agora um volver d’olhos sobre o estado de florescencia d’este genero no nosso paiz, não podemos deixar de nos congratularmos, porque as variedades que se cultivam já sobem a algumas centenas e com quanto a maior parte sejam de origem estrangeira, ha muitas que são nascida em Portugal e por tanto chamarlhes.hemos «portuguezas».
Estas são, na maior parte, de sementeiras feitas no Porto e seus suburbios por pessoas apaixonadas d’este bello genero. Entre os mais felizes devemos mencionar os snrs.: Roberto Wan-Zeller, visconde de Villar Allen, conselheiro Camilo Aureliano da Silva e Sousa, e José Marques Loureiro.
O ultimo que se acaba de lêr deveria talvez ser à frente dos outros, mas de proposito o deixamos para o fim para lhe consagramos duas linhas de louvor, porque n’esta especialidade, como em muitas outras, tem prestado verdadeiro serviços à horticultura.
Amador de coração, dotado de inextinguivel paixão pelas Camellias, dedicou-se de ha muito à sua cultura e pouco e pouco foi colleccionando as novidades de maneira que possue hoje inquestionavelmente a melhor collecção de Portugal. Para chegar a este resultado, não se limita a fazer annualmente importação de um certo numero d’ellas. Organisa abundantes sementeiras, de onde obtem sempre variedades bellissimas e é ahi que toma sua origem um bom numero das Camellias portuguezas, que hoje adornam os nossos jardins e que muitas pessoas pensam ser estrangeiras.
Oliveira Junior
Camellias Portuguesas
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Camellias 1859
Le Bon jardinier: almanach horticole pour l'année 1859.
p. 956
Nous terminerons ces courts préceptes par quelques observations sur le nombre immense de variétés de Camellias qui figurent sur les catalogues de nos horticulteurs. Il serait à désirer qu'on pût établir une synonymie exacte; car beaucoup de variétés complètement semblables y portent des noms différents. Ainsi, entre autres, le Camellia cruciata s'appelle des noms de Varischi, Général Zucchi, etc.; le Saccoï nova répond à ceux de Halfida, Saccoï prima, Augustina superba; L’Elata de Rollisson à ceux de Crimson perfection et d’Elata de Cunningham, etc. Du reste, à moins d'avoir sous les yeux une collection complète, ce travail est presque impossible ; car les renseignements qu'on reçoit de divers pays sur une même variété sont complètement différents, les conditions de climat et de sol ayant nécessairement une influence sur la forme et le coloris des fleurs. Les semeurs, de leur côté, devraient apporter la plus grande réserve dans la mise au commerce d'une variété nouvelle ; ils devraient juger consciencieusement si elle est assez dissemblable de telle ou telle autre pour obtenir les honneurs du baptême; et, afin de prendre un exemple, le C. Normanii, charmante plante du reste, est-elle tellement différente du Saccoï nova qu'il ait fallu l'ériger en variété nouvelle? Le C. Roberti, connu aussi sous le nom de lo Schiavone, n'est-il pas à peu près semblable au C. Rubini, lequel est bien proche parent du C. Verschaffeltii? Ces variétés sont maintenant acceptées et figurent dans toutes les collections, et nous ne les avons signalées que comme avertissement aux habiles et heureux semeurs de tous pays, qui pourraient se laisser entraîner dans cette voie si séduisante de créer des variétés nouvelles, et de juger leurs gains avec une partialité toute paternelle.
Depuis une dizaine d'années, les semis se sont tellement multipliés, et les gains obtenus sont si nombreux, qu'une belle collection de Camellias, bien qu'épurée avec soin et sévérité, se composera facilement de plus de deux cents variétés. Nous allons décrire les plus remarquables, tant parmi les anciennes que parmi les nouvelles, et indiquer ensuite les espèces d'un mérite un peu moindre, et que cependant un amateur véritable doit posséder 1.
Camellia abbate Branzini, imbrication parfaite ; pétales arrondis et échancrés, carmin foncé, tranché par une bordure d'un bleu violacé.
C. alba imbricata (Low), très grand, blanc pur, imbriqué.
C. alba plena, blanc pur, imbriqué, une des plus anciennes et des plus belles variétés.
C. Alexina (Low), blanc bien panaché et strié de rose, imbriqué.
C. Amadryas di Cusano, imbriqué, d'un beau rouge à pointes blanches.
C. Antonietta Lomellini, imbriqué, rouge ponceau vif à la circonférence, plus clair au centre, pétales en coquille et très nombreux.
C. archiduchessa Augusta (Corsi),cramoisi foncé, bande blanche au centre de chaque pétale, reflets d'un bleu violacé pendant la deuxième période de la floraison.
C. avvenire, fleur énorme, imbriquée, rose tendre brillant, légèrement bordée de blanc, stries blanches.
G. bella di Firenze*, rose carmin, imbriqué, veiné et rubané de blanc.
C. bella Toscana, forme de l’incarnata, rouge vif, centre plus clair, parfois liseré et tacheté de blanc.
C. belle Jeannette, rose cuivré, bande blanche sur le milieu des pétales, grande fleur imbriquée.
C. Senneyi (Boll), imbriqué, cramoisi vif, légèrement ligné de blanc, centre plus clair.
C. candidissima, imbriqué, blanc pur.
C. Candor ("Herbert], imbriqué, large fleur, blanc pur.
C. Caroline Smith, imbriqué, d'un rose très-tendre, rubané de blanc.
C. Chandeleri elegans, rose tendre, anémoniforme, parfois maculé de blanc.
C. cariophylloides (Low), blanc rosé, tigré de rouge.
C. Castagnola, imbriqué, rose vif; tous les pétales ornés d'une large bande blanche.
C. Catherine Longhi, d'un beau carmin, rubané de blanc, imbriqué.
C. centifolia (Low), rouge cramoisi, maculé de blanc, imbriqué.
C. comte de Paris, blanc rosé, veiné et rubané de carmin.
C. comtesse Balbani, grande fleur, rouge foncé, à bandes régulières blanches et roses.
(1) Les horticulteurs qui s'occupent spécialement de la culture du Camellia consulteront avec avantage les deux ouvrages de l'abbé Berlèze :
Monographie du genre Camellia, culture, description et classification. 1 vol. in-8, de 310 pag. et 7 pl. Prix : 5 fr.
Iconographie du genre Camellia. 3 magnifiques vol. in-folio, texte sur velin et 300 belles gravures coloriées. Prix : 375 fr.
Camellia comtesse d’Ellesmere (Jackson), blanc carné, strié incarnat, imbriqué.
C. comtesse Massiani, imbriqué, d'un blanc ligné et macd de rose.
C. comtesse Nencini, imbriqué, blanc carné, strié de roa carmin, tardive.
C. comtesse Ottolini, imbriqué, rouge saumoné, centre pli clair, lavé et veiné de blanc.
C. countess of Orkney, imbriqué, blanc crème, veiné et stri de rose.
C. cruciata, imbriqué, carmin rubané de blanc.
C. Damiana novella (Damien, V. CorsiJ, imbriqué, Kwp pourpre, centre carmin clair.
C. Daviesi, anémoniforme, rouge foncé; fleur dnnslegan de celle du Grenadier.
C. de la Reine (Varemberg), imbriqué; fleur énorme, bUw pur strié de rose.
C. Donkelaeri, semi-double, rouge, maculé de blanc.
C. Dride, imbriqué, rose agate, strié de blanc, centre et circonférence un peu plus foncés.
C. duc de Bretagne, imbriqué, rose très vif.
C. duchesse de Montpensier, imbriqué, très plein, blancslrit de rose.
C. duchesse dOrlêans, imbriqué, blanc légèrement rosé, strié de carmin, perd facilement ses boutons.
C. Elisabetta Herbert " (Sloane), imbriqué, rouge vif, centre rose pâle.
C. emperor ("Davies), pœoniforme, rose brique.
C. exquisita (Low), petites fleurs renonculiformes, d'un rose très-vif.
C. Faustina (Lechi), rouge ligné et tacheté de blanc, parfo» imbriqué.
C. Feastii, imbriqué, blanc strié de rose.
C. pmbriata, blanc pur, imbriqué, les pétales finement dentelés, superbe, mais un peu délicat.
C. général Lafayettc, rose tendre, largement rubané deMa»c> imbriqué.
C. George Washington, imbriqué, blanc jaunâtre, quelque fois tacheté de rose.
C. Giardino Franchetti, blanc nuancé couleur de chaire et strié de rose carmin, pétales très larges. Selon toute vraisemblance, accident du C. Targioni fixé par la greffe.
C. Giovacchino Rossini, imbriqué, carmin rayé et tacheté de blanc jaunâtre, l'extrémité des pétales est marginée de blanc pur.
C. gloria dell’ isole Borromeo, imbriqué, d'un rose vif ligne de blanc.
C. grandis (Low), imbriqué, rose cramoisi vif. „,
C. mivetia, très grande fleur bien imbriquée et d'un rougi brillant.
C. Hendersoni, imbriqué, d'un rose tendre, plus vif à 'aClf' conférence qu'au centre. M
C. Henri Favre, imbriqué, rose clair, perd facilemenf * boutons. ^,
C. Ida Borrini, corail foncé, tacheté de blanc, pétales Incrément bordés de blanc.
Camellia il 22 Marzo, rosiforme, rouge cerise, pétales bordés raversés de lignes blanc pur.
C. imbricata rubra, imbriqué, rouge carminé, ancienne vaté, toujours très belle.
C. imbricata (Dunlop), rose tendre, imbriqué.
C. incarnata, imbriqué; pétales pointus, disposés en étoile, [bl]anc carné.
C. Isolina Corsi, rose foncé brillant, diaphane, pétales mâles de blanc aux extrémités, imbriqué.
C. Jacksoni, imbriqué, fond rouge, large ligne blancbe au ntre de chaque pétale.
C. jardin d'hiver, rose nuancé, carmin, imbriqué.
C. Jeffersonii, rouge brillant, ligné de blanc, imbriqué.
C. jubilee (XowJ, imbriqué, blanc carné, strié de rose, centre jaunàtre.
C. la Concordia, giroflée pâle, strié ponceau et tacheté de blanc.
C. Landrethi, imbriqué, rose tendre.
C. Laura Mortera, rose glacé, présente de légères stries lanches rosées.
C Leana superba, rosiforme, rose ponceau, centre plus clair, e plus tardif de tous.
C. Lemichezii (Mathot), fleurs grandes, imbrication parfaite, ouge carmin,plus pâle au centre qu'à la circonférence. Vigoureuse et très florifère
C madame Lebois (Mathot), rose carminé, plus pâle que le C. Reine, des fleurs, même forme, imbrication parfaite, très grande fleur.
C. madame Stretreloff, rose tendre satiné, largement strié de blanc jaunâtre, imbriqué, coloris assez nouveau.
C. Madona, blanc, légèrement macule de rose.
C. Magdalena, rose strié de blanc, imbriqué.
C. Mamelli, imbriqué, rose carminé très pur.
C. marchesa Teresa à"Ambra, imbriqué, rose vif, centre rose pile.
C. marchioness of Exeter, grande fleur imbriquée, rose vif, médiocre snr petits pieds.
C. Marguerite Gouillon, imbriqué, blanc carné, strié, rose carmin.
C. Maria Morren, grande fleur imbriquée, rouge cerise.
C. Maria Teresa, imbriqué, blanc carné, nuancé et strié de carmin.
C. Marielta Benucci, imbriqué, rose vif, centre strié de blanc i'iir, pétales arrondis.
C. marquise Natta, fleur très grande, imbriquée, rose clair à la circonférence, plus foncée au centre.
C. Mathotiana, fleur énorme, rose carmin, à reflets cerise, imbriqué.
C. Mazuchelli, imbriqué, rouge cerise vif, rubané de blanc.
C. Miniata (Low), rouge à centre blanchâtre, imbriqué.
C. miss Alby Wilder, imbriqué, blanc panaché de carmin.
C. Montironi, fleur énorme, imbriquée; pétales en coquilles, blanc pur, parfois veiné de rose.
C nassiniana, imbriqué, rose tendre rubanné de blanc.
C optima (Low), rose maculé de carmin.
Camellia perfection (Palmer), imbriqué, rouge cerise, ligné de blanc, reflets bleuâtres sur la fin de la floraison.
C. Pie IX, rouge cerise, ligné de blanc, fleur moyenne, imbriquée.
C. pictorum rosea, rose de Chine, fleur énorme imbriquée.
C. Prattii, imbriquée, rose satiné, striée de blanc, se forme difficilement.
C. prince Albert, imbriqué, centre pœoniforme, ponctué, et veiné de carmin.
C. princesse Bacciocchi, imbriqué, carmin ponceau, strié de blanc, admirable.
C. principessa Vidoni, rouge cerise.rayé de blanc, centre blanchâtre, imbriqué, forme particulière analogue a celle du C. Leana superba.
C. queen of Denmark (Low), rouge nuancé d'un coloris nouveau, tournant au violet dans la seconde période de la floraison.
C. queen Victoria, imbriqué, rose vif, largement rubané de blanc.
C. reine des Belges (Donkelaar), rouge cerise foncé au centre, plus pâle au milieu, bariolé de blanc, et veiné de rouge foncé, pétales larges à la circonférence, lancéolés au centre.
C. reine des fleurs, imbriqué, vermillon, pétales lancéolés, magnifique, feuillage très pointu.
C. reine des Roses, très pleine, imbriquée, rose tendre à la circonférence, rose maculé de blanc jaunâtre au centre.
C. reticulata (Species), semi-double, la plus grande fleur connue, pétales ondulés, rose vif, étamines jaunes et très nombreuses.
C. roi des Blancs, imbriqué, blanc pur.
C. rubescens, striata (Low), rouge saumon, strié de blanc, imbriqué.
C. saccoï nova, imbriqué, rose très tendre, superbe.
C. Sgariglio, imbriqué, d'un beau carmin brillant.
C. Siccardii, imbriqué, rouge sanguin très foncé, ligné de blanc au centre des pétales.
C. sovereign, fleur énorme, imbriqué, blanc, maculé de carmin, peu florifère.
C. Targioni, blanc strié de carmin, forme admirable.
C. Teutonia, imbriqué, forme parfaite, fleurs blanches ou roses, quelquefois l'un et l'autre, parfois aussi blanc cerné, veiné de rose.
C. Teresa Massini, rose tendre, centre strié de blanc.
G. tricolor, semi-double, blanc lavé et panaché de rose.
C. Valtaveredo, fleur énorme, forme du Montironi, imbriquée, pétales larges, rose vif à la circonférence, et rose tendre satiné au centre.
C. Verscha/felti, imbriqué, rose vif largement et régulièrement panaché de blanc.
C. Vessillo di Flora, rose saumoné, grande fleur imbriquée.
C. Yellow, espèce rapportée de Chine par M. Fortune; feuillage étroit et allongé, fleur anémoniforme, jaune pâle.
Nous citerons enfin, comme variétés remarquables devant seulement figurer dans la 2e catégorie 1 :
Camellia abbate Bianchi *
C. Adrien Lebrun
C. agilis
C. alba Casoretti
C. alba fenestrata
C. Americana (Dunlop)
C. Anna Zucchini *
C. archiduc Fernando
C. archiduchesse Augusta (Puccini)
C. Ayez*
C. Beali palmer
C. Beccaria*
C. bella di Pistoja*
C. Bergama*
C. Borgia
C. Bruceana
C. Camilla Galli*
C. Carbonara
C. Carswelliana
C. Colletti
C. Colvilii
C. comte Lorenzo Taverna*
C. comte de Maglian
C. comte de Mocenigo
C. comte de Spauri*.
C. Crimson perfection
C. duc de Chartres.
C. duc de Reichstadt*.
C. duchesse de Northumberland
C. Elena Ugoni*
C. Emilia Gavazzi
C. fra. Arnoldo di Brescia*.
C. Garibaldi*.
C. gloire de Ledeberg*.
gloria del Verbano
C. Grety
C. Grunelli
C. Guillaume Tell*.
C. Guthriana.
C. Hallegi.
C. Hamsteadi.
C. innocenza
C. Jeffersoni.
Camellia Kilwingtoniana.
C. Leda superba.
C. Lombarda.
C. Lowi.
C. Manara *.
C. marchesa Carega *.
C. Maria Antonietla*.
C. Mariana Trivulyia '.
C. Marietta Massant *.
C. marquise Elisa Centurion*.
C. Mazeppa *.
C. Montblanc.
C. onore della Torre *.
C. Opizina *.
C. Pensylvanica *.
C. perfecta (Chalmer).
C. Phliadelphica.
C. picturata.
C. Pirlo*.
C. Pizzio.
C. Pluton.
C. Pomponia.
C. prince de Canino.
C. princesse royale.
C. princesse Adélaïde de Carignan
C. princesse. Mathilde.
C. principessa Maria Pia *.
C. providenza *.
C. queen of England.
C radiata *.
C. Rapalino *.
C. re d'Italia
C. re (Mariani).
C. Rennica*.
C. Ristori.
C. Rising Sun.
C. Robertsoni.
C. Romaniensis *
C. Rubini.
C. signora di Monza*.
C. Silvio Perovano *.
C. Storyi*.
C. sulcata.
C. Sweti de Colvill.
C. Thomasini.
(1) Nous avons marqué d'un astérisque les variétés vantées par certains horticulteurs, mais que nous n'avons pas encore suffisamment appréciées, et que nous ne pouvons, par conséquent, placer dans la première catégorie.
p. 956
Nous terminerons ces courts préceptes par quelques observations sur le nombre immense de variétés de Camellias qui figurent sur les catalogues de nos horticulteurs. Il serait à désirer qu'on pût établir une synonymie exacte; car beaucoup de variétés complètement semblables y portent des noms différents. Ainsi, entre autres, le Camellia cruciata s'appelle des noms de Varischi, Général Zucchi, etc.; le Saccoï nova répond à ceux de Halfida, Saccoï prima, Augustina superba; L’Elata de Rollisson à ceux de Crimson perfection et d’Elata de Cunningham, etc. Du reste, à moins d'avoir sous les yeux une collection complète, ce travail est presque impossible ; car les renseignements qu'on reçoit de divers pays sur une même variété sont complètement différents, les conditions de climat et de sol ayant nécessairement une influence sur la forme et le coloris des fleurs. Les semeurs, de leur côté, devraient apporter la plus grande réserve dans la mise au commerce d'une variété nouvelle ; ils devraient juger consciencieusement si elle est assez dissemblable de telle ou telle autre pour obtenir les honneurs du baptême; et, afin de prendre un exemple, le C. Normanii, charmante plante du reste, est-elle tellement différente du Saccoï nova qu'il ait fallu l'ériger en variété nouvelle? Le C. Roberti, connu aussi sous le nom de lo Schiavone, n'est-il pas à peu près semblable au C. Rubini, lequel est bien proche parent du C. Verschaffeltii? Ces variétés sont maintenant acceptées et figurent dans toutes les collections, et nous ne les avons signalées que comme avertissement aux habiles et heureux semeurs de tous pays, qui pourraient se laisser entraîner dans cette voie si séduisante de créer des variétés nouvelles, et de juger leurs gains avec une partialité toute paternelle.
Depuis une dizaine d'années, les semis se sont tellement multipliés, et les gains obtenus sont si nombreux, qu'une belle collection de Camellias, bien qu'épurée avec soin et sévérité, se composera facilement de plus de deux cents variétés. Nous allons décrire les plus remarquables, tant parmi les anciennes que parmi les nouvelles, et indiquer ensuite les espèces d'un mérite un peu moindre, et que cependant un amateur véritable doit posséder 1.
Camellia abbate Branzini, imbrication parfaite ; pétales arrondis et échancrés, carmin foncé, tranché par une bordure d'un bleu violacé.
C. alba imbricata (Low), très grand, blanc pur, imbriqué.
C. alba plena, blanc pur, imbriqué, une des plus anciennes et des plus belles variétés.
C. Alexina (Low), blanc bien panaché et strié de rose, imbriqué.
C. Amadryas di Cusano, imbriqué, d'un beau rouge à pointes blanches.
C. Antonietta Lomellini, imbriqué, rouge ponceau vif à la circonférence, plus clair au centre, pétales en coquille et très nombreux.
C. archiduchessa Augusta (Corsi),cramoisi foncé, bande blanche au centre de chaque pétale, reflets d'un bleu violacé pendant la deuxième période de la floraison.
C. avvenire, fleur énorme, imbriquée, rose tendre brillant, légèrement bordée de blanc, stries blanches.
G. bella di Firenze*, rose carmin, imbriqué, veiné et rubané de blanc.
C. bella Toscana, forme de l’incarnata, rouge vif, centre plus clair, parfois liseré et tacheté de blanc.
C. belle Jeannette, rose cuivré, bande blanche sur le milieu des pétales, grande fleur imbriquée.
C. Senneyi (Boll), imbriqué, cramoisi vif, légèrement ligné de blanc, centre plus clair.
C. candidissima, imbriqué, blanc pur.
C. Candor ("Herbert], imbriqué, large fleur, blanc pur.
C. Caroline Smith, imbriqué, d'un rose très-tendre, rubané de blanc.
C. Chandeleri elegans, rose tendre, anémoniforme, parfois maculé de blanc.
C. cariophylloides (Low), blanc rosé, tigré de rouge.
C. Castagnola, imbriqué, rose vif; tous les pétales ornés d'une large bande blanche.
C. Catherine Longhi, d'un beau carmin, rubané de blanc, imbriqué.
C. centifolia (Low), rouge cramoisi, maculé de blanc, imbriqué.
C. comte de Paris, blanc rosé, veiné et rubané de carmin.
C. comtesse Balbani, grande fleur, rouge foncé, à bandes régulières blanches et roses.
(1) Les horticulteurs qui s'occupent spécialement de la culture du Camellia consulteront avec avantage les deux ouvrages de l'abbé Berlèze :
Monographie du genre Camellia, culture, description et classification. 1 vol. in-8, de 310 pag. et 7 pl. Prix : 5 fr.
Iconographie du genre Camellia. 3 magnifiques vol. in-folio, texte sur velin et 300 belles gravures coloriées. Prix : 375 fr.
Camellia comtesse d’Ellesmere (Jackson), blanc carné, strié incarnat, imbriqué.
C. comtesse Massiani, imbriqué, d'un blanc ligné et macd de rose.
C. comtesse Nencini, imbriqué, blanc carné, strié de roa carmin, tardive.
C. comtesse Ottolini, imbriqué, rouge saumoné, centre pli clair, lavé et veiné de blanc.
C. countess of Orkney, imbriqué, blanc crème, veiné et stri de rose.
C. cruciata, imbriqué, carmin rubané de blanc.
C. Damiana novella (Damien, V. CorsiJ, imbriqué, Kwp pourpre, centre carmin clair.
C. Daviesi, anémoniforme, rouge foncé; fleur dnnslegan de celle du Grenadier.
C. de la Reine (Varemberg), imbriqué; fleur énorme, bUw pur strié de rose.
C. Donkelaeri, semi-double, rouge, maculé de blanc.
C. Dride, imbriqué, rose agate, strié de blanc, centre et circonférence un peu plus foncés.
C. duc de Bretagne, imbriqué, rose très vif.
C. duchesse de Montpensier, imbriqué, très plein, blancslrit de rose.
C. duchesse dOrlêans, imbriqué, blanc légèrement rosé, strié de carmin, perd facilement ses boutons.
C. Elisabetta Herbert " (Sloane), imbriqué, rouge vif, centre rose pâle.
C. emperor ("Davies), pœoniforme, rose brique.
C. exquisita (Low), petites fleurs renonculiformes, d'un rose très-vif.
C. Faustina (Lechi), rouge ligné et tacheté de blanc, parfo» imbriqué.
C. Feastii, imbriqué, blanc strié de rose.
C. pmbriata, blanc pur, imbriqué, les pétales finement dentelés, superbe, mais un peu délicat.
C. général Lafayettc, rose tendre, largement rubané deMa»c> imbriqué.
C. George Washington, imbriqué, blanc jaunâtre, quelque fois tacheté de rose.
C. Giardino Franchetti, blanc nuancé couleur de chaire et strié de rose carmin, pétales très larges. Selon toute vraisemblance, accident du C. Targioni fixé par la greffe.
C. Giovacchino Rossini, imbriqué, carmin rayé et tacheté de blanc jaunâtre, l'extrémité des pétales est marginée de blanc pur.
C. gloria dell’ isole Borromeo, imbriqué, d'un rose vif ligne de blanc.
C. grandis (Low), imbriqué, rose cramoisi vif. „,
C. mivetia, très grande fleur bien imbriquée et d'un rougi brillant.
C. Hendersoni, imbriqué, d'un rose tendre, plus vif à 'aClf' conférence qu'au centre. M
C. Henri Favre, imbriqué, rose clair, perd facilemenf * boutons. ^,
C. Ida Borrini, corail foncé, tacheté de blanc, pétales Incrément bordés de blanc.
Camellia il 22 Marzo, rosiforme, rouge cerise, pétales bordés raversés de lignes blanc pur.
C. imbricata rubra, imbriqué, rouge carminé, ancienne vaté, toujours très belle.
C. imbricata (Dunlop), rose tendre, imbriqué.
C. incarnata, imbriqué; pétales pointus, disposés en étoile, [bl]anc carné.
C. Isolina Corsi, rose foncé brillant, diaphane, pétales mâles de blanc aux extrémités, imbriqué.
C. Jacksoni, imbriqué, fond rouge, large ligne blancbe au ntre de chaque pétale.
C. jardin d'hiver, rose nuancé, carmin, imbriqué.
C. Jeffersonii, rouge brillant, ligné de blanc, imbriqué.
C. jubilee (XowJ, imbriqué, blanc carné, strié de rose, centre jaunàtre.
C. la Concordia, giroflée pâle, strié ponceau et tacheté de blanc.
C. Landrethi, imbriqué, rose tendre.
C. Laura Mortera, rose glacé, présente de légères stries lanches rosées.
C Leana superba, rosiforme, rose ponceau, centre plus clair, e plus tardif de tous.
C. Lemichezii (Mathot), fleurs grandes, imbrication parfaite, ouge carmin,plus pâle au centre qu'à la circonférence. Vigoureuse et très florifère
C madame Lebois (Mathot), rose carminé, plus pâle que le C. Reine, des fleurs, même forme, imbrication parfaite, très grande fleur.
C. madame Stretreloff, rose tendre satiné, largement strié de blanc jaunâtre, imbriqué, coloris assez nouveau.
C. Madona, blanc, légèrement macule de rose.
C. Magdalena, rose strié de blanc, imbriqué.
C. Mamelli, imbriqué, rose carminé très pur.
C. marchesa Teresa à"Ambra, imbriqué, rose vif, centre rose pile.
C. marchioness of Exeter, grande fleur imbriquée, rose vif, médiocre snr petits pieds.
C. Marguerite Gouillon, imbriqué, blanc carné, strié, rose carmin.
C. Maria Morren, grande fleur imbriquée, rouge cerise.
C. Maria Teresa, imbriqué, blanc carné, nuancé et strié de carmin.
C. Marielta Benucci, imbriqué, rose vif, centre strié de blanc i'iir, pétales arrondis.
C. marquise Natta, fleur très grande, imbriquée, rose clair à la circonférence, plus foncée au centre.
C. Mathotiana, fleur énorme, rose carmin, à reflets cerise, imbriqué.
C. Mazuchelli, imbriqué, rouge cerise vif, rubané de blanc.
C. Miniata (Low), rouge à centre blanchâtre, imbriqué.
C. miss Alby Wilder, imbriqué, blanc panaché de carmin.
C. Montironi, fleur énorme, imbriquée; pétales en coquilles, blanc pur, parfois veiné de rose.
C nassiniana, imbriqué, rose tendre rubanné de blanc.
C optima (Low), rose maculé de carmin.
Camellia perfection (Palmer), imbriqué, rouge cerise, ligné de blanc, reflets bleuâtres sur la fin de la floraison.
C. Pie IX, rouge cerise, ligné de blanc, fleur moyenne, imbriquée.
C. pictorum rosea, rose de Chine, fleur énorme imbriquée.
C. Prattii, imbriquée, rose satiné, striée de blanc, se forme difficilement.
C. prince Albert, imbriqué, centre pœoniforme, ponctué, et veiné de carmin.
C. princesse Bacciocchi, imbriqué, carmin ponceau, strié de blanc, admirable.
C. principessa Vidoni, rouge cerise.rayé de blanc, centre blanchâtre, imbriqué, forme particulière analogue a celle du C. Leana superba.
C. queen of Denmark (Low), rouge nuancé d'un coloris nouveau, tournant au violet dans la seconde période de la floraison.
C. queen Victoria, imbriqué, rose vif, largement rubané de blanc.
C. reine des Belges (Donkelaar), rouge cerise foncé au centre, plus pâle au milieu, bariolé de blanc, et veiné de rouge foncé, pétales larges à la circonférence, lancéolés au centre.
C. reine des fleurs, imbriqué, vermillon, pétales lancéolés, magnifique, feuillage très pointu.
C. reine des Roses, très pleine, imbriquée, rose tendre à la circonférence, rose maculé de blanc jaunâtre au centre.
C. reticulata (Species), semi-double, la plus grande fleur connue, pétales ondulés, rose vif, étamines jaunes et très nombreuses.
C. roi des Blancs, imbriqué, blanc pur.
C. rubescens, striata (Low), rouge saumon, strié de blanc, imbriqué.
C. saccoï nova, imbriqué, rose très tendre, superbe.
C. Sgariglio, imbriqué, d'un beau carmin brillant.
C. Siccardii, imbriqué, rouge sanguin très foncé, ligné de blanc au centre des pétales.
C. sovereign, fleur énorme, imbriqué, blanc, maculé de carmin, peu florifère.
C. Targioni, blanc strié de carmin, forme admirable.
C. Teutonia, imbriqué, forme parfaite, fleurs blanches ou roses, quelquefois l'un et l'autre, parfois aussi blanc cerné, veiné de rose.
C. Teresa Massini, rose tendre, centre strié de blanc.
G. tricolor, semi-double, blanc lavé et panaché de rose.
C. Valtaveredo, fleur énorme, forme du Montironi, imbriquée, pétales larges, rose vif à la circonférence, et rose tendre satiné au centre.
C. Verscha/felti, imbriqué, rose vif largement et régulièrement panaché de blanc.
C. Vessillo di Flora, rose saumoné, grande fleur imbriquée.
C. Yellow, espèce rapportée de Chine par M. Fortune; feuillage étroit et allongé, fleur anémoniforme, jaune pâle.
Nous citerons enfin, comme variétés remarquables devant seulement figurer dans la 2e catégorie 1 :
Camellia abbate Bianchi *
C. Adrien Lebrun
C. agilis
C. alba Casoretti
C. alba fenestrata
C. Americana (Dunlop)
C. Anna Zucchini *
C. archiduc Fernando
C. archiduchesse Augusta (Puccini)
C. Ayez*
C. Beali palmer
C. Beccaria*
C. bella di Pistoja*
C. Bergama*
C. Borgia
C. Bruceana
C. Camilla Galli*
C. Carbonara
C. Carswelliana
C. Colletti
C. Colvilii
C. comte Lorenzo Taverna*
C. comte de Maglian
C. comte de Mocenigo
C. comte de Spauri*.
C. Crimson perfection
C. duc de Chartres.
C. duc de Reichstadt*.
C. duchesse de Northumberland
C. Elena Ugoni*
C. Emilia Gavazzi
C. fra. Arnoldo di Brescia*.
C. Garibaldi*.
C. gloire de Ledeberg*.
gloria del Verbano
C. Grety
C. Grunelli
C. Guillaume Tell*.
C. Guthriana.
C. Hallegi.
C. Hamsteadi.
C. innocenza
C. Jeffersoni.
Camellia Kilwingtoniana.
C. Leda superba.
C. Lombarda.
C. Lowi.
C. Manara *.
C. marchesa Carega *.
C. Maria Antonietla*.
C. Mariana Trivulyia '.
C. Marietta Massant *.
C. marquise Elisa Centurion*.
C. Mazeppa *.
C. Montblanc.
C. onore della Torre *.
C. Opizina *.
C. Pensylvanica *.
C. perfecta (Chalmer).
C. Phliadelphica.
C. picturata.
C. Pirlo*.
C. Pizzio.
C. Pluton.
C. Pomponia.
C. prince de Canino.
C. princesse royale.
C. princesse Adélaïde de Carignan
C. princesse. Mathilde.
C. principessa Maria Pia *.
C. providenza *.
C. queen of England.
C radiata *.
C. Rapalino *.
C. re d'Italia
C. re (Mariani).
C. Rennica*.
C. Ristori.
C. Rising Sun.
C. Robertsoni.
C. Romaniensis *
C. Rubini.
C. signora di Monza*.
C. Silvio Perovano *.
C. Storyi*.
C. sulcata.
C. Sweti de Colvill.
C. Thomasini.
(1) Nous avons marqué d'un astérisque les variétés vantées par certains horticulteurs, mais que nous n'avons pas encore suffisamment appréciées, et que nous ne pouvons, par conséquent, placer dans la première catégorie.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Paris Camellia Show 1846
Paris Camellia Show, 1846.—It is to the lady patronesses of the Societe Royale and Cercle General d'Horticulture that we are indebted for an exhibition of these splendid plants, which, moreover, they propose to continue eveiy spring. It certainly is a fortunate thing that ladies, moving in the highest circles of rank and fashion, should take so great an interest in horticulture, otherwise we must have been content with one annual show from each society, as heretofore. It is incomprehensible how the directors of these societies (which, by the by, are most liberally patronized by the public) can rest satisfied with remaining stationary while all the world beside is progressing at rail-road pace ; but such is the fact. It must be obvious that exhibitions, when honorably conducted, conduce perhaps more than any thing else to the prosperity of horticulture ; this has been the case both in England and Belgium, and would be the same here were the status quo got rid of. Let us hope the spirited conduct of the ladies may be the dawn of anew era. Upon the present occasion, they offered a gold medal for the finest and moat numerous collection of seedling or new camellias in flower, and another gold medal for the finest and most numerous general collection ; also a silver medal for the finest and most numerous collection of rhododendrons, and another for azaleas ; beside other prizes for the second best in each class. It is to be regretted that the programme was indefinite as to the number of plants; because it has too frequently happened that the most numerous collection has been rewarded, and a smaller one, every way superior, altogether passed over. The show was held in the grand gallery of the Palais du Luxembourg, from the 18th to the 22d of this month (March); unfortunately, intimation was only given to growers within the last three weeks, and the collections were not so numerous as might have been wished. No doubt, camellias would have been better ten days or a fortnight ago, but that would have been too early for azaleas; perhaps there may have been other reasons, otherwise how shall we account for the fact, that only ten exhibitors could be found among the multitude of public and private growers round Paris? It is but too notorious that a spirited collector, with a long purse, is in a far better position to gain a prize than the most skilful cultivator of a moderate-sized collection; this system would not be tolerated in England ; here it is openly practised, and plants gain a prize which have been purchased but a few days previously. On the whole, considering the shortness of the notice, both the public and exhibitors have reason to be satisfied ; there were some fine specimens, and not a
few beautiful new things; the wards were, moieover, strictly just. The competitors of camellias were Messieurs Cels, Courtois, Durand, Gontiers, Hardy, Margottin, Paillet, and Souchet; for rhododendrons, Messieurs. Durand, Guerin, and the Barons James and Salomon de Rothschild ; for azaleas, Durand and Margottin. It was expected that the Abbe Berleze, so well known by his splendid " Monographie du genre Camellia," would have been among the exhibitors ; his collection was considered the finest private one in Paris ; it appears, however, that he has, within the last week, disposed of it to the proprietors of the new winter-garden of the Champs Elysees for the sum of 1200£. The gold medal for the finest general collection of camellias was awarded to Mr. Paillet, who is one of the best Parisian growers. In his collection were some fine large plants from six to eight feet high, especially delicatissima, alba fenestrata, Clowesiana, Chandleri, Henri Favre, picturata, imbricata alba, and Wardii de Floy ; among the smaller plants: Cockii, imbricata rubra, Gousonia, Lineata, Queen Victoria, magniflora plena, Reevesii, eximia, and Chandleri elegans, were conspicuous for their perfection of form or color; but the gem of this collection was Preniland, a most beautiful cupped flower, large, very double, and the color a delicate pink ; to which may be added Marguerite de Gouillon and Pirzio, two pencilled flowers of great beauty. Mr. Souchet gained the gold medal for the finest collection of new varieties; among them I noticed two or three of extraordinary beauty, and perfectly distinct from any thing yet out. I regret not being able to give the names or numbers ; they were almost entirely without either. The flower which was most admired was of a pale pink, rather veined and regularly bordered white ; it was large, of good substance, and double, and no camellia grower will be without it; another was in the way of miniata, but far better; another like Lord Ker, but the stripe more distinct. He also gained the second prize for a general collection. The plants were not large, but well blown, particularly imbricata rubra, Marguerite Gouillon, Henri Favre, Juliana, Augustina superba, Colvilli, King, Decus Italicum, picturata, Lord Ker, Chandleri, Duchesse d'Orleans, and Queen Victoria. Prizes were also awarded to Messrs. Courtois and Goutier. The silver medal for rhododendrons was awarded to Mr. Grison, gr. to Baron Salomon de Rothschild, for a large collection of well grown plants, among which I noticed Smithii elegans, Lady Warrender, Duchess of Wurtemberg, speciosum, &c. ; the only thing wanting was a greater diversity of color. The second prize was awarded to Mr. Guerin, for a smaller collection ; his plants of Smithii roseum, Lady Warrender, formosissimum, and superbum, were every thing that could be wished. It was evidently too early for azaleas. The silver medal was gained by Mr. Margottin ; his best flowers were Smithii coccinea, variegata, liliflora, Youngii, and hlacina triumphans. The second prize was awarded to Mr. Durand, for a small collection, consisting of coccinea grandiflora, variegata, Orange pink, liliflora alba, Mazeppa, phoenicea, Danielsii, and two or three others ; to which he added about twenty varieties of A. pontica, of no particular merit. (Gard. Chron. 1846, p. 206.)
few beautiful new things; the wards were, moieover, strictly just. The competitors of camellias were Messieurs Cels, Courtois, Durand, Gontiers, Hardy, Margottin, Paillet, and Souchet; for rhododendrons, Messieurs. Durand, Guerin, and the Barons James and Salomon de Rothschild ; for azaleas, Durand and Margottin. It was expected that the Abbe Berleze, so well known by his splendid " Monographie du genre Camellia," would have been among the exhibitors ; his collection was considered the finest private one in Paris ; it appears, however, that he has, within the last week, disposed of it to the proprietors of the new winter-garden of the Champs Elysees for the sum of 1200£. The gold medal for the finest general collection of camellias was awarded to Mr. Paillet, who is one of the best Parisian growers. In his collection were some fine large plants from six to eight feet high, especially delicatissima, alba fenestrata, Clowesiana, Chandleri, Henri Favre, picturata, imbricata alba, and Wardii de Floy ; among the smaller plants: Cockii, imbricata rubra, Gousonia, Lineata, Queen Victoria, magniflora plena, Reevesii, eximia, and Chandleri elegans, were conspicuous for their perfection of form or color; but the gem of this collection was Preniland, a most beautiful cupped flower, large, very double, and the color a delicate pink ; to which may be added Marguerite de Gouillon and Pirzio, two pencilled flowers of great beauty. Mr. Souchet gained the gold medal for the finest collection of new varieties; among them I noticed two or three of extraordinary beauty, and perfectly distinct from any thing yet out. I regret not being able to give the names or numbers ; they were almost entirely without either. The flower which was most admired was of a pale pink, rather veined and regularly bordered white ; it was large, of good substance, and double, and no camellia grower will be without it; another was in the way of miniata, but far better; another like Lord Ker, but the stripe more distinct. He also gained the second prize for a general collection. The plants were not large, but well blown, particularly imbricata rubra, Marguerite Gouillon, Henri Favre, Juliana, Augustina superba, Colvilli, King, Decus Italicum, picturata, Lord Ker, Chandleri, Duchesse d'Orleans, and Queen Victoria. Prizes were also awarded to Messrs. Courtois and Goutier. The silver medal for rhododendrons was awarded to Mr. Grison, gr. to Baron Salomon de Rothschild, for a large collection of well grown plants, among which I noticed Smithii elegans, Lady Warrender, Duchess of Wurtemberg, speciosum, &c. ; the only thing wanting was a greater diversity of color. The second prize was awarded to Mr. Guerin, for a smaller collection ; his plants of Smithii roseum, Lady Warrender, formosissimum, and superbum, were every thing that could be wished. It was evidently too early for azaleas. The silver medal was gained by Mr. Margottin ; his best flowers were Smithii coccinea, variegata, liliflora, Youngii, and hlacina triumphans. The second prize was awarded to Mr. Durand, for a small collection, consisting of coccinea grandiflora, variegata, Orange pink, liliflora alba, Mazeppa, phoenicea, Danielsii, and two or three others ; to which he added about twenty varieties of A. pontica, of no particular merit. (Gard. Chron. 1846, p. 206.)
Camellia Dionisia Poniatowski
Camellia Adriana
Camellia Alba ornatissima
Camellia Ninfa del Tebro
Camellia Comte de Toll
Camellia Comtesse Lavinia Maggi

L'Illustration Horticole vol. IX (1862) planche 331Qu'il y a loin, Bone Deus! des camellias obtenus dans le second quart de ce XIXe siècle, à ceux gagnés dans le premier? Il y a à peu près des uns aux autres cette différence qu'offre la Rose semi-double sauvage de nos haies (Rosa canina L.) comparée à la Rose des Peintres de nos jardins (Rosa centifolia L. et var. R. muscosa Mill.).
Camellia Comtesse Lavinia Maggi
Elle a été gagnée de semis dans ces derniers temps dans les jardins de M. le comte Onofrio Maggi ...., et a été figurée pour la premier fois dans le Tome XIII de la Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe , p. 59
Camellia Tricolor Imbricata, Flore Pleno
Camellia reticulata var. Flore Pleno
Camellia Don Carlos Ferdinando
L'Illustration Horticole XX (1873) plate CXIX
Le C. Don Carlos Ferdinando, semis portugais, est caracterisé par des fleurs très grandes, d'une imbrication parfaite, à pétales obtus à peine émarginés, disposés en zones rayonnates, d'un beau rouge sang artériel, inclinant au carmin et çá et là tachés à la pointe d'une touche blanc pur.
Camellias Portuguesas
Choix des plus beaux Camellias figurés dans l'Illustration Horticole
L'Illustration Horticole, XXI (1874) p.8
Alba ornatissima
Angelo Cocchi
archiduc Étienne
Baron de Vries
Bella Romana
Bertha Giglioli
Carlotta Peloso
Caterina Rossi
Comte de Toll
Comtesse Tretiakoff
Contessa Tozzoni
Cora L. Barton
La suite prochainement
Alba ornatissima
Angelo Cocchi
archiduc Étienne
Baron de Vries
Bella Romana
Bertha Giglioli
Carlotta Peloso
Caterina Rossi
Comte de Toll
Comtesse Tretiakoff
Contessa Tozzoni
Cora L. Barton
La suite prochainement
Camellia Dom Pedro V, Rei de Portugal

L'Illustration Horticole vol XXI (1874)
CARACTÈRES DE LA VARIÈTÈ : plante de premier order, à rameaux vigoureux, supportant de robustes feuilles largement ovales épaisses dentées en scie et presque crénelés, brievement mucronées : fleurs admirables, imbriques, régulières, à pétales ovales arrondis à court apicule, bien distants, charnus, d'un beau blanc touché légèrement de stries longitudinales rose tendre sur quelques rares divisions ; pétales de la circonférence orbiculaires échancrés ou reniformes. Variété de semis originaire du Portugal.
Camellias Portuguesas
Friday, 12 March 2010
Camellia 'Formosa Youngii'

Berlèse Tome II nº 157
Il y a dans le commerce plusieurs Camellia qui portant la dénomination de formosa. Celui que nous avons donné dans cet ouvrage est connu sous le double nom de formosa ou formosissima, et ne ressemble point à celui que nous allons décrire.
Le C. formosa de Young est une variété nouvelle qui ne se trouve encore que chez les principaux horticulteurs-marchands. Cet arbrisseau, qui nous parait destiné à rester trapu, a de nombreuses branches allongées, diffuses. L’individu que nous en avons sous les yeux est encore trop jeune pour nous permettre d’en dire davantage.
Les feuilles ont environ 95 millimètres de long sur 50 de large ; elles sont ovales-acuminées, un peu retournées en dessous au sommet, dures, épaisses, luisantes, profondément nervées, dentées en partie, et d’un vert foncé.
Les boutons sont gros, coniques, acuminés, solides, et à écailles jaunâtres.
La fleur est double, anémoniforme, a de 9 à 10 centimètres de diamètre, est d’un rouge foncé presque pourpre, quelquefois rouge uni, quelquefois panachée de blanc. Les pétales de la circonférence, sur trois ou quatre rangs, sont ovales-arrondis, fortement échancrés, largement imbriqués, et vergetés presque tout de blanc. Dans le nombre, il s’en trouve un ou deux moitié blanc, moitié rouge ; ceux du milieu sont fasiculés, étroits, moyens, entremêlés, arrondis, émarginés, et formant un centre large, droit, élevé et sphérique.
Cette variété nous vient de M. Young, de Londres, horticulteur distingué, qui, par son zèle, son talent et sa fortune, a beaucoup contribué à étendre en Europe la culture du Camellia.
Il y a dans le commerce plusieurs Camellia qui portant la dénomination de formosa. Celui que nous avons donné dans cet ouvrage est connu sous le double nom de formosa ou formosissima, et ne ressemble point à celui que nous allons décrire.
Le C. formosa de Young est une variété nouvelle qui ne se trouve encore que chez les principaux horticulteurs-marchands. Cet arbrisseau, qui nous parait destiné à rester trapu, a de nombreuses branches allongées, diffuses. L’individu que nous en avons sous les yeux est encore trop jeune pour nous permettre d’en dire davantage.
Les feuilles ont environ 95 millimètres de long sur 50 de large ; elles sont ovales-acuminées, un peu retournées en dessous au sommet, dures, épaisses, luisantes, profondément nervées, dentées en partie, et d’un vert foncé.
Les boutons sont gros, coniques, acuminés, solides, et à écailles jaunâtres.
La fleur est double, anémoniforme, a de 9 à 10 centimètres de diamètre, est d’un rouge foncé presque pourpre, quelquefois rouge uni, quelquefois panachée de blanc. Les pétales de la circonférence, sur trois ou quatre rangs, sont ovales-arrondis, fortement échancrés, largement imbriqués, et vergetés presque tout de blanc. Dans le nombre, il s’en trouve un ou deux moitié blanc, moitié rouge ; ceux du milieu sont fasiculés, étroits, moyens, entremêlés, arrondis, émarginés, et formant un centre large, droit, élevé et sphérique.
Cette variété nous vient de M. Young, de Londres, horticulteur distingué, qui, par son zèle, son talent et sa fortune, a beaucoup contribué à étendre en Europe la culture du Camellia.
Iconographie du genre Camellia, en trois tomes, (Paris, 1841-1843)
Thursday, 11 March 2010
December, 1836
It is by taking a retrospective view, that we are often the best able to form an opinion of the future; and by applying this principle to Floriculture, we are led to the conclusion, that in the latter there are yet many new features to introduce: nor is the realization of this hope the less probable, if we look to the almost incredible number of recognised species, most of which either are or have been cultivated in this country. In Loudon's Hortus Brilannicus there are upwards of fifty thousand species enumerated; but suppose there were only half this number within the reach of the British florist, he would have but small cause to complain for the want of materials; and should he extend his hopes to the probable importations from foreign climes, he will have still greater reason to be satisfied. Indeed, we can scarcely suppose it possible that the vast floral treasures of North and South America, the East and West Indies, and especially China, can ever be exhausted. Amongst the hardy plants which have already more especially occupied the cultivator's attention, we have Dahlias, Pinks, Carnations, Tulips, Ranunculuses, Hyacinths, Crocus, with many others. In this class the Dahlia is one of comparatively recent introduction, and we may reckon the Pansy still more so. If we turn to those kinds which require the protection of the stove or greenhouse, we have many splendid families
amongst which, as a large-growing shrub, the Camellia may be first mentioned. There are then Heaths, Geraniums, Calceolarias, and Epiphytes, to the discovery of which the attention of British collectors is at present particularly directed; and as a half-hardy plant, the Chinese Chrysanthemum, when well grown, is not surpassed in beauty by any of the preceding.
Our present purpose, however, is more particularly to notice the rapidly increasing taste for the cultivation of succulents; and here there is an ample field, and one that will well repay the trouble of those who cultivate this most singular and interesting family. Amongst gardeners the term " succulent" comprehends all plants possessing very fleshy stems and leaves : there are, however, many plants which come within the range of this term, that are entirely destitute of the latter; and it may be further remarked, that the excessive accumulation of cellular tissue in plants, and from which the name of "succulent" is derived, is no indication of natural affinity, the same order frequently containing both succulent and woody genera; and besides, the former will be found scattered over several orders having no natural relationship.
In point of interest, the several genera included in the natural order Opuntiaceae: deserve to be first noticed, not only on account of the beauty of the flowers of some of the species, but also on account of the singularly grotesque and fantastic forms assumed by the stems of others. The native country of the genus Cacti is confined to South America; and there the species extend but a short distance on either side of the tropics: to the north they are seldom found beyond latitude 32 deg. C. Opuntia, though comparatively hardy, and apparently indigenous to other parts of the world, is believed to have originated from the same vast continent. The most interesting and scarce species of this genus is C. senilis, of which, however, there are now plants in several collections in this country: last spring we saw two in the stoves of Earl Mountnorris, and the benevolence of that amiable nobleman had suggested to him the idea of removing the crown of one of his plants, with the view of inducing it to produce offsets, by which he might be enabled to contribute plants to other collections. What renders Cactus senilis particularly interesting, is the bundle of silvery white, hair-like spines, which rise from its crown, all shade in the centre, hanging down close to the plant, and several inches in
length, resembling in a most striking manner the grey hairs of the aged ; hence the name C. senilis, or Old-man Cactus.
Melocactus, or Melon Thistle. This genus is composed of species all of which are more or less orbicular in their form, and in, their appearance not unlike the Melon ; hence the name. Here also is included the Turk's-cap, formerly Cactus Melocactus, but now generally recognised as Melocactus communis. Its appearance is that of an immense-sized green Melon, with deep angles; these are, however, set with strong sharp thorns. In the hothouses in England, imported plants of this species are sometimes seen, measuring as much as a foot or fifteen inches across ; but in the West Indies, specimens of much larger growth are occasionally met with. In cultivation, its progress in growth is so slow, as, in the course of years, to be scarcely perceptible.
Echinocactus, or Hedgehog Cactus. A genus containing a considerable number of species, many of which are of diminutive growth, having a roundish hedgehog appearance. Many recent additions have been made to this genus.
The genus next in order, but which we can only briefly notice, is Mammillaria, scarcely differing from the preceding except in the nipple-like tubercles which cover the stems. The species are for the most part smaller than the preceding, but equally curious and interesting.
Cereus is a genus which contains a greater number of plants usually known as Cactuses, than any of the other genera belonging to the same natural order. Many of these are very stately plants, attaining the height of thirty feet or more; some also bear handsome flowers, such as speciosisshnus, flagelliformis, and others.
In the genus Epiphyllum, or flat-leaved, we have speciosum, with many of the recent ornamental hybrids.
The next genus, Opuntia, or Indian Fig, is extensive, and contains some very tall-growing kinds. It is further remarkable from containing the species on which feeds the true cochineal insect, affording the well-known dye of that name.*
* " On the top of the fruit thero grows a red flower; this, when the fruit is ripe, falls down on the top of it, and covers it so that no rain or dew can wet the inside. A day or two after, the flower being scorched up by the heat of the sun, the fruit opens wide, and the inside appears full of small red insects. The Indians, when they perceive the fruit open, spread a large linen cloth, and then with sticks shake the plant to disturb the insects,' so
Rhipsalis contains eight or nine species, remarkable only from their round and singularly ramified, or fasciculated, pendulous, Willow-like branches.
Pereskia, or Barbadoes Gooseberry, differs from the preceding genera in the species being of a rather more ligneous nature, and in having perfectly formed leaves. P. aculeata is therefore very often used as a stock, on which many of the other ornamental kinds, such as Epiphyllum speciosum, E. truncatum, &c., are grafted.
Euphorbiace«.—In section 6. (Euphorbiae) of this natural order there are many interesting succulents, confined for the most part to the genera Euphorbia and Pedilanthus. The latter contains but a few species, the most remarkable of which is the singularly formed flower of P. tithymaloides, which has some resemblance to the human foot. It is the former of these genera with which the cultivator is interested : it contains nearly 250 species, and although a large number of them are worthless and insignificant weeds, many others are curious succulents, in appearance resembling the whimsical and grotesque form of some of the Cacti. A few of them are highly ornamental, such as E. punicea, splendens, and Bojeri (see No. VI. p. 138). Poinsettia pulcherrima, although still more shrubby than the preceding, also belongs to the same natural order (see No. II. p. 41). Those species requiring the protection of the stove or greenhouse are mostly natives of the East and West Indies, South America, and the Cape of Good Hope. The medicinal properties of the genus Euphorbia are very powerful, and the powdered roots of E. Ipecacuanha, Gerardiana, and others, have been recommended as substitutes for ipecacuanha. The juice of all the species, when applied internally, is acrid and dangerous : externally it is applied to remove warts, and, dropped into the hollow of a decayed tooth, will allay the pain by destroying the nerve. The celebrated caoutchouc (India rubber) is obtained from a variety of plants belonging to this natural order, such as Jatropha elastica, Hura crepitans, Plukenetia volubilis, Hippomane Mancinella, but most abundantly in the former; and although belonging to a different natural order
that they take wing to be gone, but keep hovering over the plant till by the heat they fall down dead on the cloth, where the Indians let them remain two or three days till they are dry."—Dr. Lindley, in Loudon's Enc. Plants.
(Urticeae), it is also found in Ficus elastica. The caoutchouc is imported from South America, and is obtained by making incisions in the bark of the tree, and applying the juice whilst in a liquid state to a Pear-shaped clay model. The juice, which is at first of a milky white appearance, is conducted to receivers: the clay model is then covered to a certain thickness with the recent juice, and often tastefully ornamented on the outside with an iron or wooden instrument; after which it is hardened by the heat of the fire, or by being held over a dense smoke. The clay is then softened and removed from the inside, and thus, in the form of small bottles, caoutchouc is generally imported into Europe. This extraordinary natural production was scarcely known in Europe a century ago, and it is but of late that it has begun to be extensively used in the arts and sciences, in which department we believe its varied capabilities are comparatively but little known.
R. M. (to Re Continued.)
( Continued from page 149.)
The next important family of succulents most deserving of notice are those genera belonging to the natural order Hemerocallideae, of which the genus Aloe may be regarded as the type. To this extensive and interesting tribe, the late Mr. Haworth, of Norwich, paid much attention, both to their cultivation and botanical affinities; and the following genera, constructed by him from species formerly included in the genus Aloe, are now generally recognised by botanists. Mr. Haworth's genera to which we allude are, first, Haworthia, named in honour of himself, and consisting of about a hundred exceedingly smallj but particularly interesting specie3.
Gasteria contains about an equal number of species with the
last, of rather larger growth, and may be recognised by the curved flowers, and the foliage being often placed in opposite oblique [r]ows.
Bowiea is a small genus, containing but a very few species, of rather diminutive growth.
Apicra. This contains from fifteen to twenty species, seldom attaining more than a few inches in height, with the leaves mostly of a spiral form.
The next in point of numbers is the original genus Aloe, which, according to Mr. Haworth's arrangement, contains between seventy and eighty species, in stature exceeding greatly the preceding genera. The foliage is mostly imbricated ; and some of the species, such as arborescens, purpurascens, and Soccotrina, attain the height of fifteen feet. Many of the preceding, and some of the following genera, may be interesting in the eyes of the botanist, owing to their rarity, or other circumstances; but the genus Aloe contains species of immense importance to the inhabitants of those countries in which they abound, entering into nearly every branch of their domestic economy. We are told that, in the kingdom of Mexico, the inhabitants use a species of this genus for forming hedges to inclosures, the stems of which supply beams for the roofs of their houses, and the leaves answer instead of tiles. Some parts of them are eaten, others applied as medicine, whilst from their juices sugar, wine, and vinegar are manufactured, and from the ligneous fibres of the leaves is obtained thread, cordage, and various articles of clothing. From a species of the same genus the inhabitants of Jamaica manufacture stockings, hammocks, bow-strings, and fishing-lines. It is probably from the stem of the same kind that the Hottentots construct for themselves quivers for their arrows. In medicine, A. vulgaris and A. Soccotrina are the species of most importance, and are extensively cultivated in the West India islands, especially Barbadoes, from whence is obtained the hepatic aloes chiefly used for horses. Aloes cultivated for medicine are invariably grown on poor soil; and the drug known by that name is obtained from the juice of the leaves, being expressed, and afterwards inspissated, by exposure to heat in copper boilers, placed over slow fires, till it acquires the consistence of honey. It is then poured into calabashes, or gourd shells, inwhich it is exported to England, and other parts of Eu-
-rope. It is found that the resinous part of the juice of aloes is insoluble in water, and is therefore employed in hot climates as a preservative to ship bottoms against the attacks of marine insects, and in eastern countries in embalming, to preserve dead bodies from putrefaction. Wood placed under water is preserved from decay by a mixture of white lead, turpentine, tallow, and aloes; and an extensive mountainous district, about sixty miles north of the Cape of Good Hope, is wholly covered with an arborescent species of this genus.
Agava is a well-known genus, belonging to Bromeliaceae, and contains about fifteen species, the most remarkable of which is the A. Americana, or American Aloe, to which popular error has ascribed the honour of flowering but once in a hundred years. We can conceive it quite possible that, by particular treatment, the flowering of this plant may be protracted to fifty, or even a hundred years : but we are equally confident that, whenever it is made an object of careful cultivation, it will flower at intervals of seven or ten years. The average height of the flower-steins of those plants which occasionally flower in this country may be reckoned at about twenty feet; but they often grow to a greater height; and we have an account of one that flowered in the gardens of the King of Prussia, the flower-stem of which attained the unusual height of forty feet. In Spain, Portugal, and Italy, the American Aloe is used as a hedge-plant for separating inclosures. In Algarva, the juice of the leaves is made into cakes, and used as a substitute for soap, by which lather can be procured as well with salt water as with fresh. Thread, cordage, and clothing are manufactured from the fibres of the leaves, but they are not durable, especially when exposed to wet.
Pachidendron consists of about fifteen or twenty species, averaging about ten feet in height.
Rhipidodendron is a still smaller genus than the last, containing only two species, the type of which we may consider the Fan Aloe, often met with in collections, and still best known as Aloe plicatilis. It attains the height of six or eight feet, mostly branched, at the extremities of which are disposed the leaves, representing a fan ; hence the name of Fan Aloe. In reference to this plant, we will mention a circumstance which has just come to our recollection ; it will help to illustrate the tenacity of life displayed by this
plant—a principle common to all succulents, when preserved from damp. The circumstance to which we allude occurred at Bretton Hall, in April 1832. Whilst preparing for the sale of plants which took place there at the time just mentioned, a plant of this Aloe, about five feet in height, and much branched, was carried in mistake to the lots intended for sale. Its immense weight suggested to those employed in this operation, the necessity of transporting it by means of a slang, or rail, placed under the stem, close to the surface of the pot. By this mode of carriage, and by suffering the plant to turn several times over whilst the stem was resting on the stick, the whole of the bark was so much injured as to entirely decay for several inches up the stem. The decayed parts were afterwards carefully cut away, and in this state it remained for about twelve months, when it was discovered to be emitting roots from the lower edge of the live bark. These roots, in about twelve months more, reached the soil in the pot; and the plant, when we last saw it (a few months ago), was quite vigorous ; nor, indeed, did the accident which we have just described produce any perceptible effect on the health of the plant.
Stapelia. Another extensive tribe of succulents, belonging to the natural order Asclepiadeae, and although characterised by the closest generic affinity, as also by uniformity of habit and general appearance, they have been made by Mr. Haworth to constitute the following genera. In this instance, however, the propriety of his generic divisions is far less obvious than in the case of the Aloes. In respect to both, he has been followed by some, whilst others have entirely disapproved of his arrangements. The genera are—Stapelia, Orbea, Gonostemon, Podanthes, Tridentea, Tromotriche, Hurnia, Duvallia, Obesia, Caruncularia, Piaranthus, Pictinaria, Brachystelma, and Caralluma. Four of these are genera of the late Mr. R. Brown, but the others are those of Mr. Haworth. With the exception of Caralluma, which is from the East Indies, all these genera are natives of the Cape of Good Hope, and the greater part were discovered by Mr. Masson, a collector sent out from the Royal Gardens at Kew about the beginning of the present century. It is said S. pilifera is eaten by the Dutch settlers at the Cape; but as an article of food, even to the Hottentots, they may be regarded as worthless; nor do they possess any known property for which they can be considered
valuable, excepting in so far as they are objects of ornament. The flowers of all are curious, some are ornamental, and in many the smell is exceedingly offensive, representing the odour of animal matter in an advanced state of decay. This is often so powerful as to present us with one of those rare instances, which we are apt to attribute to mistaken instinct; but our limited comprehensions and acquaintance with those laws by which the insect world is governed, will perhaps best account for our presuming to suspect the existence of some derangement or defect in those laws, merely because we observe Musca vomitoria, or the common flesh-fly, depositing its eggs on the disk of those Stapelia flowers whose scent most resembles that of tainted flesh ; and this we state without being prepared to prove that the Stapelia flower is a substance unsuited to protect the eggs, or nourish the larvae, of this insect.
We shall conclude this paper in the next Number, with some remarks on the cultivation of succulents.
R. M.
( Concluded from page 183.)
We have already protracted our observations on succulents to a much greater length than at first contemplated; but in this we shall probably be forgiven, since the cultivation of this interesting class of plants does already occupy the attention of cultivators, and we doubt not they will soon form an important feature in the cultivation of house plants.
There are still a few genera which we wish to notice, but this shall be done very briefly;
Sempervivum is an interesting genus, and contains about forty species, some of which are familiar to most persons—such as S. tectorurm, or common house-leek, often seen on the roofs of houses. In the North of Scotland, the extent of the healing properties of this species remains to be discovered; it is therefore applied to all kinds of external wounds and sores whatever; it is also applied to remove corns. This, together with ten or twelve others, are hardy; the remainder are green-house. S. tabulaefornie, or table plant, as it is generally called, is a curious species, with a single stein, bearing a series of imbricated leaves; the lower ones the longest, and set so close together, that they present on the upper side a smooth surface, the whole having the appearance of a round table, hence the popular name table plant.
Mesembryanthemum, or Fig Marigold, belongs to the natural order Ficoideae, which in point either of numbers or the beauty of their flowers, rank the foremost among succulents. The genus contains nearly 450 species, and this has also undergone the skilful investigation of the late Mr. Haworth, by whom they have been arranged in sections, known by some obvious character either in the leaves or stem, common to each of these classes or divisions.
Crassula.—Natural order Crassulaceae, contains from 40 to 60 species, of which some are ornamental and others curious.
Kalosanthus and Larochea are genera consisting chiefly of species formerly included in the genus Crassula, and in the former of these are now placed two very ornamental species, long known as crassula versicolor and coccinea. There are four other genera of succulents, Turgosia, Globulea, Curtogyne, Vauanthes, which also belong to Crassulaceae.
Besides the preceding there are many other genera containing a greater or less number of species, properly deserving to be classed as succulents, but to enumerate all would occupy more space than we can afford. We shall, therefore, content ourselves with mentioning the following, being the most worthy of cultivation, namely, Cotyledon, Echeveria, Bryophyllum, and Portulaca.
Every step which the student advances in the investigation of vegetable physiology, supplies him with additional proof that all organized beings, whether animals or vegetables, and wherever in the endless variety of conditions or situation they are detected, if placed there by the hand of nature, are ever found to be
adapted to that particular situation. Thus we find in the richer meadows of our own country, the oak and the birch, raising their lofty heads to the height of seventy or eighty feet; whilst on the summits of many of our native hills they scarcely attain the stature of an ordinary sized gooseberry bush. Again in the deserts and more arid parts of Africa, the whole of the vegetables there produced may be described as consisting of little else than bulbs and succulents. We, therefore, perceive that were it even possible for the oak or the birch to appear in their usual magnitude on the summits of our loftiest mountains, they would be immediately torn up by the violence of the storms; and likewise in those sterile plains of Africa, could they be clothed with gramineous herbs, every blade would speedily be destroyed by the parching droughts of summer; and yet there is no part of any extent hitherto explored on the face of the globe, unadorned with plants either peculiar to itself or such as are common in other altitudes, but modified and adapted to their present situation. We have also been recently informed by those who have long resided in Africa, that in those districts where the herbage chiefly consists of succulent plants, they are valuable to the farmer, affording throughout the dry season a supply of food for his sheep and goats.
From the peculiar construction of the cuticle of succulent plants, they are capable of existing and even flourishing under circumstances which would prove speedy destruction to many other plants, and from this property they become objects of the easiest cultivation; and are, therefore, of all other plants the very best adapted to be grown in the windows of dwelling-houses, or in the greenhouses of those whose attendance in watering, &c, is sometimes interrupted. To the amateur who possesses a small greenhouse, and is at the same time his own gardener, we know of no class of plants possessing equal interest in which, when compared with succulents, twice the amount of labour would not be required in their cultivation. During the autumn and winter months, if allowed air during mild weather, they will seldom need any other attendance, except to examine them once or twice a month as to whether they require water. The stove kinds, such as Cactuses and Euphorbias being kept in a higher temperature will of course require more frequent attendance.
We shall now conclude this paper with a brief summary of the
treatment suited to the several genera noticed in the preceding papers on succulents, (see p. 145—179) :—
Cactus, (p. 146.)—Stove. To be grown in a sandy loam, the pots to be well drained with pieces of broken pot. The loam must be quite dry before it is used and made very firm in the pot.
Melocactus, or Melon Thistle, (p. 147.)—Stove. The same treatment.
Echinocactus, or Hedgehog Cactus, (p. 147.)—Store. The same treatment.
Mammillaria, (p. 147.)—Stove. The same treatment.
Cereus, (p. 147.)—Stove. Grandiflora, or night-blowing Cereus, when grown as a portable plant in a pot, should be trained to crooked pieces of oak sticks fastened together according as the plant may require.
Epiphyllum, (p. 147.)—Stove. This is by far the handsomest genus, and may be grown in loam with a mixture of well decomposed manure and sand. They should be kept in the stove during the spring, while in flower, and until they have made their shoots, and then set out of doors till autumn, and again placed in a warm part of the greenhouse during the winter.
Opuntia, or Indian Fig, (p. 147.)—Stove. The same treatment as Cactus.
Rhipsalis, (p. 148.)—Stove. The same treatment as Cactus.
Pereskia, or Barbadoes Gooseberry, (p. 148.)—Stove. The same treatment as Epiphyllum.
Euphorbia, (p. 148.)—Stove. The same treatment as Cactus.
Pedilanthus, Slipper Plant, (p. 148.)—Stove. This will also succeed with the same treatment as the Cactuses, and is particularly well adapted for training against a trellis or the back wall of the stove.
Haworthia, (p. 179.)—Greenhouse. These do well in equal quantities of loam, sand, and peat earth, which ought at all times to be dry when used, with the pots well drained, and the soil made very firm and hard, in order that the roots may enjoy a medium susceptible of but little change in regard to moisture.
The above treatment is also applicable to the three following genera, viz:—Gasteria, (p. 179.)—Greenhouse; Boiviea, (p. 180.)—Greenhouse; Apicra, (p. 180.)—Greenhouse.
Aloe, (p. 180.)—Greenhouse. The larger species of this
genera may be grown in a little stronger loam, with rather less peat.
Agava, (p. 181.)—Greenhouse. If required to be grown rapidly will succeed in equal parts of loam, sand, peat earlh, and decomposed manure, with plenty of pot room.
Pachidendron, (p. 181.)—Greenhouse. Will thrive with the same treatment.
Rhipidodendron, (p. 181.)—Greenhouse. Equal parts, loam, peat earth, and sand.
Stapelia, (p. 182.)—Stove. This with the thirteen following genera, which may be regarded as sections only of the genus Stapelia, will all thrive in equal quantities of peat earth, loam and sand :—Orbea, (p. 182) ; Gonostemon, (p. 182) ; Podanthes, (p. 182) ; Tridentea, (p. 182); Tromotriche, (p. 182); Huernia, (p. 182) ; Duvallia, (p. 182); Obesia, (p. 182) ; Caruncularia, (p. 182) ; Piaranthus, (p. 182) ; Pectinaria, (p. 182) ; Brachystelma, (p. 182) ; Caralluma, (p. 182s).
Sempervioum, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse. This requires the same treatment as Aloe.
Mesembryanthemum, (p. 198 )—Greenhouse. The same soil as the above, but the freer growing kinds must be kept in small pots, five inches across, in which they generally flower more freely than if in larger ones.
Crassula, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse. This, but more especially the following, are both very ornamental genera, and will grow and flower freey in equal portions of loam, sand, peat earth, and well decomposed manure.
Kalosanthes, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse.
Larochea, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse. Will grow freely with the same treatment as the preceding.
Turgosia, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse. This and the five following genera, succeed well, treated in the same way as the Aloe. Globulea, (p. 198) ; Curtogyne, (p. 198); Vauanthes, (p. 198) ; Cotyledon, (p. 198) ; Echeveria, (p. 198).
Bryophyllum, (p. 198.)—Stove. Equal parts of well decomposed manure, peat earth, and sand.
Portulaca, (p. 198.)—Stove. The same treatment.
In the cultivation of succulent plants, the chief thing to guard against is too much moisture at their roots. If this be too freely
applied the roots and lower parts of the stem are apt to decay; but on the contrary we do not, during our own experience, remember even a single instance of a succulent plant having died from the want of water. A person having a collection of succulents under his care, might visit the metropolis of Scotland or England, or even both, and yet return in time to water his plants. In the autumn of 1835, a stem of Epiphyllum speciosa, was accidentally broken from a plant in this garden, and was thrown aside in the stove. In the course of January or February, 1836, it was laid on the leaves of Cycas revoluta, where it remained between two and three months, and in this situation it also produced two perfect full sized flowers.
On the 10th of March, 1835, we saw in Mr. Richardson's shop, Orchard-street, Sheffield, a piece of a shoot of Aloe arborescens, suspended from the ceiling, with the cut end enveloped in a piece of sail cloth; it was quite firm, and growing. It had been in this situation since the preceding July, and Mr. R. informed us that it had been twelve months in a similar situation in a shop in Liverpool, and also in the same cloth, which was however coated with vegetable tar. No water had ever been applied.
To feel both surprised and delighted with this curious and interesting tribe of plants, it is only necessary to visit the splendid collection now forming at Chatsworth. We cannot easily forget the impression produced on our mind in walking through the succulent house at that princely place, in October last. We understand that the collection of succulents at the Duke of Bedford's, Woburn Abbey, is now the finest in England.
R.M. [Robert Marnock]
December, 1836
It is by taking a retrospective view, that we are often the best able to form an opinion of the future; and by applying this principle to Floriculture, we are led to the conclusion, that in the latter there are yet many new features to introduce: nor is the realization of this hope the less probable, if we look to the almost incredible number of recognised species, most of which either are or have been cultivated in this country. In Loudon's Hortus Brilannicus there are upwards of fifty thousand species enumerated; but suppose there were only half this number within the reach of the British florist, he would have but small cause to complain for the want of materials; and should he extend his hopes to the probable importations from foreign climes, he will have still greater reason to be satisfied. Indeed, we can scarcely suppose it possible that the vast floral treasures of North and South America, the East and West Indies, and especially China, can ever be exhausted. Amongst the hardy plants which have already more especially occupied the cultivator's attention, we have Dahlias, Pinks, Carnations, Tulips, Ranunculuses, Hyacinths, Crocus, with many others. In this class the Dahlia is one of comparatively recent introduction, and we may reckon the Pansy still more so. If we turn to those kinds which require the protection of the stove or greenhouse, we have many splendid families
amongst which, as a large-growing shrub, the Camellia may be first mentioned. There are then Heaths, Geraniums, Calceolarias, and Epiphytes, to the discovery of which the attention of British collectors is at present particularly directed; and as a half-hardy plant, the Chinese Chrysanthemum, when well grown, is not surpassed in beauty by any of the preceding.
Our present purpose, however, is more particularly to notice the rapidly increasing taste for the cultivation of succulents; and here there is an ample field, and one that will well repay the trouble of those who cultivate this most singular and interesting family. Amongst gardeners the term " succulent" comprehends all plants possessing very fleshy stems and leaves : there are, however, many plants which come within the range of this term, that are entirely destitute of the latter; and it may be further remarked, that the excessive accumulation of cellular tissue in plants, and from which the name of "succulent" is derived, is no indication of natural affinity, the same order frequently containing both succulent and woody genera; and besides, the former will be found scattered over several orders having no natural relationship.
In point of interest, the several genera included in the natural order Opuntiaceae: deserve to be first noticed, not only on account of the beauty of the flowers of some of the species, but also on account of the singularly grotesque and fantastic forms assumed by the stems of others. The native country of the genus Cacti is confined to South America; and there the species extend but a short distance on either side of the tropics: to the north they are seldom found beyond latitude 32 deg. C. Opuntia, though comparatively hardy, and apparently indigenous to other parts of the world, is believed to have originated from the same vast continent. The most interesting and scarce species of this genus is C. senilis, of which, however, there are now plants in several collections in this country: last spring we saw two in the stoves of Earl Mountnorris, and the benevolence of that amiable nobleman had suggested to him the idea of removing the crown of one of his plants, with the view of inducing it to produce offsets, by which he might be enabled to contribute plants to other collections. What renders Cactus senilis particularly interesting, is the bundle of silvery white, hair-like spines, which rise from its crown, all shade in the centre, hanging down close to the plant, and several inches in
length, resembling in a most striking manner the grey hairs of the aged ; hence the name C. senilis, or Old-man Cactus.
Melocactus, or Melon Thistle. This genus is composed of species all of which are more or less orbicular in their form, and in, their appearance not unlike the Melon ; hence the name. Here also is included the Turk's-cap, formerly Cactus Melocactus, but now generally recognised as Melocactus communis. Its appearance is that of an immense-sized green Melon, with deep angles; these are, however, set with strong sharp thorns. In the hothouses in England, imported plants of this species are sometimes seen, measuring as much as a foot or fifteen inches across ; but in the West Indies, specimens of much larger growth are occasionally met with. In cultivation, its progress in growth is so slow, as, in the course of years, to be scarcely perceptible.
Echinocactus, or Hedgehog Cactus. A genus containing a considerable number of species, many of which are of diminutive growth, having a roundish hedgehog appearance. Many recent additions have been made to this genus.
The genus next in order, but which we can only briefly notice, is Mammillaria, scarcely differing from the preceding except in the nipple-like tubercles which cover the stems. The species are for the most part smaller than the preceding, but equally curious and interesting.
Cereus is a genus which contains a greater number of plants usually known as Cactuses, than any of the other genera belonging to the same natural order. Many of these are very stately plants, attaining the height of thirty feet or more; some also bear handsome flowers, such as speciosisshnus, flagelliformis, and others.
In the genus Epiphyllum, or flat-leaved, we have speciosum, with many of the recent ornamental hybrids.
The next genus, Opuntia, or Indian Fig, is extensive, and contains some very tall-growing kinds. It is further remarkable from containing the species on which feeds the true cochineal insect, affording the well-known dye of that name.*
* " On the top of the fruit thero grows a red flower; this, when the fruit is ripe, falls down on the top of it, and covers it so that no rain or dew can wet the inside. A day or two after, the flower being scorched up by the heat of the sun, the fruit opens wide, and the inside appears full of small red insects. The Indians, when they perceive the fruit open, spread a large linen cloth, and then with sticks shake the plant to disturb the insects,' so
Rhipsalis contains eight or nine species, remarkable only from their round and singularly ramified, or fasciculated, pendulous, Willow-like branches.
Pereskia, or Barbadoes Gooseberry, differs from the preceding genera in the species being of a rather more ligneous nature, and in having perfectly formed leaves. P. aculeata is therefore very often used as a stock, on which many of the other ornamental kinds, such as Epiphyllum speciosum, E. truncatum, &c., are grafted.
Euphorbiace«.—In section 6. (Euphorbiae) of this natural order there are many interesting succulents, confined for the most part to the genera Euphorbia and Pedilanthus. The latter contains but a few species, the most remarkable of which is the singularly formed flower of P. tithymaloides, which has some resemblance to the human foot. It is the former of these genera with which the cultivator is interested : it contains nearly 250 species, and although a large number of them are worthless and insignificant weeds, many others are curious succulents, in appearance resembling the whimsical and grotesque form of some of the Cacti. A few of them are highly ornamental, such as E. punicea, splendens, and Bojeri (see No. VI. p. 138). Poinsettia pulcherrima, although still more shrubby than the preceding, also belongs to the same natural order (see No. II. p. 41). Those species requiring the protection of the stove or greenhouse are mostly natives of the East and West Indies, South America, and the Cape of Good Hope. The medicinal properties of the genus Euphorbia are very powerful, and the powdered roots of E. Ipecacuanha, Gerardiana, and others, have been recommended as substitutes for ipecacuanha. The juice of all the species, when applied internally, is acrid and dangerous : externally it is applied to remove warts, and, dropped into the hollow of a decayed tooth, will allay the pain by destroying the nerve. The celebrated caoutchouc (India rubber) is obtained from a variety of plants belonging to this natural order, such as Jatropha elastica, Hura crepitans, Plukenetia volubilis, Hippomane Mancinella, but most abundantly in the former; and although belonging to a different natural order
that they take wing to be gone, but keep hovering over the plant till by the heat they fall down dead on the cloth, where the Indians let them remain two or three days till they are dry."—Dr. Lindley, in Loudon's Enc. Plants.
(Urticeae), it is also found in Ficus elastica. The caoutchouc is imported from South America, and is obtained by making incisions in the bark of the tree, and applying the juice whilst in a liquid state to a Pear-shaped clay model. The juice, which is at first of a milky white appearance, is conducted to receivers: the clay model is then covered to a certain thickness with the recent juice, and often tastefully ornamented on the outside with an iron or wooden instrument; after which it is hardened by the heat of the fire, or by being held over a dense smoke. The clay is then softened and removed from the inside, and thus, in the form of small bottles, caoutchouc is generally imported into Europe. This extraordinary natural production was scarcely known in Europe a century ago, and it is but of late that it has begun to be extensively used in the arts and sciences, in which department we believe its varied capabilities are comparatively but little known.
R. M. (to Re Continued.)
( Continued from page 149.)
The next important family of succulents most deserving of notice are those genera belonging to the natural order Hemerocallideae, of which the genus Aloe may be regarded as the type. To this extensive and interesting tribe, the late Mr. Haworth, of Norwich, paid much attention, both to their cultivation and botanical affinities; and the following genera, constructed by him from species formerly included in the genus Aloe, are now generally recognised by botanists. Mr. Haworth's genera to which we allude are, first, Haworthia, named in honour of himself, and consisting of about a hundred exceedingly smallj but particularly interesting specie3.
Gasteria contains about an equal number of species with the
last, of rather larger growth, and may be recognised by the curved flowers, and the foliage being often placed in opposite oblique [r]ows.
Bowiea is a small genus, containing but a very few species, of rather diminutive growth.
Apicra. This contains from fifteen to twenty species, seldom attaining more than a few inches in height, with the leaves mostly of a spiral form.
The next in point of numbers is the original genus Aloe, which, according to Mr. Haworth's arrangement, contains between seventy and eighty species, in stature exceeding greatly the preceding genera. The foliage is mostly imbricated ; and some of the species, such as arborescens, purpurascens, and Soccotrina, attain the height of fifteen feet. Many of the preceding, and some of the following genera, may be interesting in the eyes of the botanist, owing to their rarity, or other circumstances; but the genus Aloe contains species of immense importance to the inhabitants of those countries in which they abound, entering into nearly every branch of their domestic economy. We are told that, in the kingdom of Mexico, the inhabitants use a species of this genus for forming hedges to inclosures, the stems of which supply beams for the roofs of their houses, and the leaves answer instead of tiles. Some parts of them are eaten, others applied as medicine, whilst from their juices sugar, wine, and vinegar are manufactured, and from the ligneous fibres of the leaves is obtained thread, cordage, and various articles of clothing. From a species of the same genus the inhabitants of Jamaica manufacture stockings, hammocks, bow-strings, and fishing-lines. It is probably from the stem of the same kind that the Hottentots construct for themselves quivers for their arrows. In medicine, A. vulgaris and A. Soccotrina are the species of most importance, and are extensively cultivated in the West India islands, especially Barbadoes, from whence is obtained the hepatic aloes chiefly used for horses. Aloes cultivated for medicine are invariably grown on poor soil; and the drug known by that name is obtained from the juice of the leaves, being expressed, and afterwards inspissated, by exposure to heat in copper boilers, placed over slow fires, till it acquires the consistence of honey. It is then poured into calabashes, or gourd shells, inwhich it is exported to England, and other parts of Eu-
-rope. It is found that the resinous part of the juice of aloes is insoluble in water, and is therefore employed in hot climates as a preservative to ship bottoms against the attacks of marine insects, and in eastern countries in embalming, to preserve dead bodies from putrefaction. Wood placed under water is preserved from decay by a mixture of white lead, turpentine, tallow, and aloes; and an extensive mountainous district, about sixty miles north of the Cape of Good Hope, is wholly covered with an arborescent species of this genus.
Agava is a well-known genus, belonging to Bromeliaceae, and contains about fifteen species, the most remarkable of which is the A. Americana, or American Aloe, to which popular error has ascribed the honour of flowering but once in a hundred years. We can conceive it quite possible that, by particular treatment, the flowering of this plant may be protracted to fifty, or even a hundred years : but we are equally confident that, whenever it is made an object of careful cultivation, it will flower at intervals of seven or ten years. The average height of the flower-steins of those plants which occasionally flower in this country may be reckoned at about twenty feet; but they often grow to a greater height; and we have an account of one that flowered in the gardens of the King of Prussia, the flower-stem of which attained the unusual height of forty feet. In Spain, Portugal, and Italy, the American Aloe is used as a hedge-plant for separating inclosures. In Algarva, the juice of the leaves is made into cakes, and used as a substitute for soap, by which lather can be procured as well with salt water as with fresh. Thread, cordage, and clothing are manufactured from the fibres of the leaves, but they are not durable, especially when exposed to wet.
Pachidendron consists of about fifteen or twenty species, averaging about ten feet in height.
Rhipidodendron is a still smaller genus than the last, containing only two species, the type of which we may consider the Fan Aloe, often met with in collections, and still best known as Aloe plicatilis. It attains the height of six or eight feet, mostly branched, at the extremities of which are disposed the leaves, representing a fan ; hence the name of Fan Aloe. In reference to this plant, we will mention a circumstance which has just come to our recollection ; it will help to illustrate the tenacity of life displayed by this
plant—a principle common to all succulents, when preserved from damp. The circumstance to which we allude occurred at Bretton Hall, in April 1832. Whilst preparing for the sale of plants which took place there at the time just mentioned, a plant of this Aloe, about five feet in height, and much branched, was carried in mistake to the lots intended for sale. Its immense weight suggested to those employed in this operation, the necessity of transporting it by means of a slang, or rail, placed under the stem, close to the surface of the pot. By this mode of carriage, and by suffering the plant to turn several times over whilst the stem was resting on the stick, the whole of the bark was so much injured as to entirely decay for several inches up the stem. The decayed parts were afterwards carefully cut away, and in this state it remained for about twelve months, when it was discovered to be emitting roots from the lower edge of the live bark. These roots, in about twelve months more, reached the soil in the pot; and the plant, when we last saw it (a few months ago), was quite vigorous ; nor, indeed, did the accident which we have just described produce any perceptible effect on the health of the plant.
Stapelia. Another extensive tribe of succulents, belonging to the natural order Asclepiadeae, and although characterised by the closest generic affinity, as also by uniformity of habit and general appearance, they have been made by Mr. Haworth to constitute the following genera. In this instance, however, the propriety of his generic divisions is far less obvious than in the case of the Aloes. In respect to both, he has been followed by some, whilst others have entirely disapproved of his arrangements. The genera are—Stapelia, Orbea, Gonostemon, Podanthes, Tridentea, Tromotriche, Hurnia, Duvallia, Obesia, Caruncularia, Piaranthus, Pictinaria, Brachystelma, and Caralluma. Four of these are genera of the late Mr. R. Brown, but the others are those of Mr. Haworth. With the exception of Caralluma, which is from the East Indies, all these genera are natives of the Cape of Good Hope, and the greater part were discovered by Mr. Masson, a collector sent out from the Royal Gardens at Kew about the beginning of the present century. It is said S. pilifera is eaten by the Dutch settlers at the Cape; but as an article of food, even to the Hottentots, they may be regarded as worthless; nor do they possess any known property for which they can be considered
valuable, excepting in so far as they are objects of ornament. The flowers of all are curious, some are ornamental, and in many the smell is exceedingly offensive, representing the odour of animal matter in an advanced state of decay. This is often so powerful as to present us with one of those rare instances, which we are apt to attribute to mistaken instinct; but our limited comprehensions and acquaintance with those laws by which the insect world is governed, will perhaps best account for our presuming to suspect the existence of some derangement or defect in those laws, merely because we observe Musca vomitoria, or the common flesh-fly, depositing its eggs on the disk of those Stapelia flowers whose scent most resembles that of tainted flesh ; and this we state without being prepared to prove that the Stapelia flower is a substance unsuited to protect the eggs, or nourish the larvae, of this insect.
We shall conclude this paper in the next Number, with some remarks on the cultivation of succulents.
R. M.
( Concluded from page 183.)
We have already protracted our observations on succulents to a much greater length than at first contemplated; but in this we shall probably be forgiven, since the cultivation of this interesting class of plants does already occupy the attention of cultivators, and we doubt not they will soon form an important feature in the cultivation of house plants.
There are still a few genera which we wish to notice, but this shall be done very briefly;
Sempervivum is an interesting genus, and contains about forty species, some of which are familiar to most persons—such as S. tectorurm, or common house-leek, often seen on the roofs of houses. In the North of Scotland, the extent of the healing properties of this species remains to be discovered; it is therefore applied to all kinds of external wounds and sores whatever; it is also applied to remove corns. This, together with ten or twelve others, are hardy; the remainder are green-house. S. tabulaefornie, or table plant, as it is generally called, is a curious species, with a single stein, bearing a series of imbricated leaves; the lower ones the longest, and set so close together, that they present on the upper side a smooth surface, the whole having the appearance of a round table, hence the popular name table plant.
Mesembryanthemum, or Fig Marigold, belongs to the natural order Ficoideae, which in point either of numbers or the beauty of their flowers, rank the foremost among succulents. The genus contains nearly 450 species, and this has also undergone the skilful investigation of the late Mr. Haworth, by whom they have been arranged in sections, known by some obvious character either in the leaves or stem, common to each of these classes or divisions.
Crassula.—Natural order Crassulaceae, contains from 40 to 60 species, of which some are ornamental and others curious.
Kalosanthus and Larochea are genera consisting chiefly of species formerly included in the genus Crassula, and in the former of these are now placed two very ornamental species, long known as crassula versicolor and coccinea. There are four other genera of succulents, Turgosia, Globulea, Curtogyne, Vauanthes, which also belong to Crassulaceae.
Besides the preceding there are many other genera containing a greater or less number of species, properly deserving to be classed as succulents, but to enumerate all would occupy more space than we can afford. We shall, therefore, content ourselves with mentioning the following, being the most worthy of cultivation, namely, Cotyledon, Echeveria, Bryophyllum, and Portulaca.
Every step which the student advances in the investigation of vegetable physiology, supplies him with additional proof that all organized beings, whether animals or vegetables, and wherever in the endless variety of conditions or situation they are detected, if placed there by the hand of nature, are ever found to be
adapted to that particular situation. Thus we find in the richer meadows of our own country, the oak and the birch, raising their lofty heads to the height of seventy or eighty feet; whilst on the summits of many of our native hills they scarcely attain the stature of an ordinary sized gooseberry bush. Again in the deserts and more arid parts of Africa, the whole of the vegetables there produced may be described as consisting of little else than bulbs and succulents. We, therefore, perceive that were it even possible for the oak or the birch to appear in their usual magnitude on the summits of our loftiest mountains, they would be immediately torn up by the violence of the storms; and likewise in those sterile plains of Africa, could they be clothed with gramineous herbs, every blade would speedily be destroyed by the parching droughts of summer; and yet there is no part of any extent hitherto explored on the face of the globe, unadorned with plants either peculiar to itself or such as are common in other altitudes, but modified and adapted to their present situation. We have also been recently informed by those who have long resided in Africa, that in those districts where the herbage chiefly consists of succulent plants, they are valuable to the farmer, affording throughout the dry season a supply of food for his sheep and goats.
From the peculiar construction of the cuticle of succulent plants, they are capable of existing and even flourishing under circumstances which would prove speedy destruction to many other plants, and from this property they become objects of the easiest cultivation; and are, therefore, of all other plants the very best adapted to be grown in the windows of dwelling-houses, or in the greenhouses of those whose attendance in watering, &c, is sometimes interrupted. To the amateur who possesses a small greenhouse, and is at the same time his own gardener, we know of no class of plants possessing equal interest in which, when compared with succulents, twice the amount of labour would not be required in their cultivation. During the autumn and winter months, if allowed air during mild weather, they will seldom need any other attendance, except to examine them once or twice a month as to whether they require water. The stove kinds, such as Cactuses and Euphorbias being kept in a higher temperature will of course require more frequent attendance.
We shall now conclude this paper with a brief summary of the
treatment suited to the several genera noticed in the preceding papers on succulents, (see p. 145—179) :—
Cactus, (p. 146.)—Stove. To be grown in a sandy loam, the pots to be well drained with pieces of broken pot. The loam must be quite dry before it is used and made very firm in the pot.
Melocactus, or Melon Thistle, (p. 147.)—Stove. The same treatment.
Echinocactus, or Hedgehog Cactus, (p. 147.)—Store. The same treatment.
Mammillaria, (p. 147.)—Stove. The same treatment.
Cereus, (p. 147.)—Stove. Grandiflora, or night-blowing Cereus, when grown as a portable plant in a pot, should be trained to crooked pieces of oak sticks fastened together according as the plant may require.
Epiphyllum, (p. 147.)—Stove. This is by far the handsomest genus, and may be grown in loam with a mixture of well decomposed manure and sand. They should be kept in the stove during the spring, while in flower, and until they have made their shoots, and then set out of doors till autumn, and again placed in a warm part of the greenhouse during the winter.
Opuntia, or Indian Fig, (p. 147.)—Stove. The same treatment as Cactus.
Rhipsalis, (p. 148.)—Stove. The same treatment as Cactus.
Pereskia, or Barbadoes Gooseberry, (p. 148.)—Stove. The same treatment as Epiphyllum.
Euphorbia, (p. 148.)—Stove. The same treatment as Cactus.
Pedilanthus, Slipper Plant, (p. 148.)—Stove. This will also succeed with the same treatment as the Cactuses, and is particularly well adapted for training against a trellis or the back wall of the stove.
Haworthia, (p. 179.)—Greenhouse. These do well in equal quantities of loam, sand, and peat earth, which ought at all times to be dry when used, with the pots well drained, and the soil made very firm and hard, in order that the roots may enjoy a medium susceptible of but little change in regard to moisture.
The above treatment is also applicable to the three following genera, viz:—Gasteria, (p. 179.)—Greenhouse; Boiviea, (p. 180.)—Greenhouse; Apicra, (p. 180.)—Greenhouse.
Aloe, (p. 180.)—Greenhouse. The larger species of this
genera may be grown in a little stronger loam, with rather less peat.
Agava, (p. 181.)—Greenhouse. If required to be grown rapidly will succeed in equal parts of loam, sand, peat earlh, and decomposed manure, with plenty of pot room.
Pachidendron, (p. 181.)—Greenhouse. Will thrive with the same treatment.
Rhipidodendron, (p. 181.)—Greenhouse. Equal parts, loam, peat earth, and sand.
Stapelia, (p. 182.)—Stove. This with the thirteen following genera, which may be regarded as sections only of the genus Stapelia, will all thrive in equal quantities of peat earth, loam and sand :—Orbea, (p. 182) ; Gonostemon, (p. 182) ; Podanthes, (p. 182) ; Tridentea, (p. 182); Tromotriche, (p. 182); Huernia, (p. 182) ; Duvallia, (p. 182); Obesia, (p. 182) ; Caruncularia, (p. 182) ; Piaranthus, (p. 182) ; Pectinaria, (p. 182) ; Brachystelma, (p. 182) ; Caralluma, (p. 182s).
Sempervioum, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse. This requires the same treatment as Aloe.
Mesembryanthemum, (p. 198 )—Greenhouse. The same soil as the above, but the freer growing kinds must be kept in small pots, five inches across, in which they generally flower more freely than if in larger ones.
Crassula, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse. This, but more especially the following, are both very ornamental genera, and will grow and flower freey in equal portions of loam, sand, peat earth, and well decomposed manure.
Kalosanthes, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse.
Larochea, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse. Will grow freely with the same treatment as the preceding.
Turgosia, (p. 198.)—Greenhouse. This and the five following genera, succeed well, treated in the same way as the Aloe. Globulea, (p. 198) ; Curtogyne, (p. 198); Vauanthes, (p. 198) ; Cotyledon, (p. 198) ; Echeveria, (p. 198).
Bryophyllum, (p. 198.)—Stove. Equal parts of well decomposed manure, peat earth, and sand.
Portulaca, (p. 198.)—Stove. The same treatment.
In the cultivation of succulent plants, the chief thing to guard against is too much moisture at their roots. If this be too freely
applied the roots and lower parts of the stem are apt to decay; but on the contrary we do not, during our own experience, remember even a single instance of a succulent plant having died from the want of water. A person having a collection of succulents under his care, might visit the metropolis of Scotland or England, or even both, and yet return in time to water his plants. In the autumn of 1835, a stem of Epiphyllum speciosa, was accidentally broken from a plant in this garden, and was thrown aside in the stove. In the course of January or February, 1836, it was laid on the leaves of Cycas revoluta, where it remained between two and three months, and in this situation it also produced two perfect full sized flowers.
On the 10th of March, 1835, we saw in Mr. Richardson's shop, Orchard-street, Sheffield, a piece of a shoot of Aloe arborescens, suspended from the ceiling, with the cut end enveloped in a piece of sail cloth; it was quite firm, and growing. It had been in this situation since the preceding July, and Mr. R. informed us that it had been twelve months in a similar situation in a shop in Liverpool, and also in the same cloth, which was however coated with vegetable tar. No water had ever been applied.
To feel both surprised and delighted with this curious and interesting tribe of plants, it is only necessary to visit the splendid collection now forming at Chatsworth. We cannot easily forget the impression produced on our mind in walking through the succulent house at that princely place, in October last. We understand that the collection of succulents at the Duke of Bedford's, Woburn Abbey, is now the finest in England.
R.M. [Robert Marnock]
South African plants,
South America,
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