Wednesday 4 March 2009

Cupaniopsis anacardioides

Cupaniopsis anacardioides

Botanical Description: Slender evergreen tree, usually single trunked, to 10 m (33 ft)
tall, with dark gray outer bark and often orange inner bark (hence the common name).
Leaves alternate, once compound (usually even-pinnate), with petioles swollen at the
base; 4-12 leaflets, stalked, oblong, leathery, shiny yellowish green, to 20 cm (8 in) long
and 7.5 cm (3 in) wide, with margins entire and tips rounded or slightly indented.
Flowers numerous, white to greenish yellow, up to 0.8 cm (0.4 in) wide, in branched
clusters to 35 cm (14 in) long, at leaf axils; 5 petals; 6-8 stamens. Fruit a short-stalked,
woody capsule, to 2.2 cm (0.9 in) across, with 3 distinctly ridged segments, yelloworange
when ripe, drying to brown and splitting open to expose 3 shiny oval black seeds
covered by a yellow-red crust (aril).
The Monserrate plant has a single seed in the dehiscent fruit. Aril is pink. Midrib not as prominent, leaf apex pointed never notched.

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